It turned out that
RequestCycle.get().getUrlRenderer().renderFullUrl(..) always returns
URL starting with http://localhost:8080 even when I deploy my on the
DEV server.

Has anyone experienced this issue?



On Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 9:31 AM, Alec Swan <> wrote:
> To solve the problem I decided to change all my links to use absolute
> URLs by overriding Link#getUrl() method as follows:
>            @Override
>             protected CharSequence getURL() {
>                 return
> RequestCycle.get().getUrlRenderer().renderFullUrl(Url.parse(super.getURL().toString()));
>             }
> Please let me know if there is a problem with this approach.
> Thanks,
> Alec
> On Mon, Nov 5, 2012 at 2:09 PM, Alec Swan <> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have a base page mounted at /app/root URL. This page loads and pops
>> up a modal dialog (DIV) which content is loaded from /app/root/dialog
>> URL. All links on the dialog are relative to the dialog URL and not
>> base page URL. However, the browser resolves relative links against
>> base page URL and hence all links are broken.
>> The modal dialog is shown as follows:
>> $("#dialogId").load("/app/root/dialog").modal('show')
>> How can I fix this?
>> Thanks,
>> Alec

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