This is most likely caused by incorrect escaping, which might be a bug in 
Wicket or Wicket-Atmosphere. Can you try to create a quickstart to demonstrate 
the problem and file a Jira ticket? You can use the example application at

Best regards,

On Sunday 11 November 2012 18:03:52 Pierre Goupil wrote:
> Hi all,
> When I submit complex JS to my client using target.appendJavaScript() with
> a @Subscribe method from Wicket-Atmosphere, I got this message in the
> browser console:
> Wicket.Ajax: Wicket.Ajax.Call.failure: Error while parsing response:
> Could not find root <ajax-response> element
> I do have an <ajax-response> tag and the response from the server seems to
> be all OK. Nonetheless, for a reason I'm not aware of, it fails.
> Did anyone encounter this error before? Is there a known work-around?
> When I have a simple response, it works though. The problem only occurs
> with complex responses.
> I'm using:
>         <wicket.version>6.3.0-SNAPSHOT</wicket.version>
>         <wicketstuff.version>6.2.1</wicketstuff.version>
>         <wicket-atmosphere.version>0.5-SNAPSHOT</wicket-atmosphere.version>
> (GIT master)
> Regards,
> Pierre

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