
I'm using wicket 1.4.7 and I'm facing some problem trying to solve some problem 
about URLs:

1) I'm using the classes:
mount(new HybridUrlCodingStrategy(WebPageNaming.ADMIN_PAGE, AdminPage.class, 

mount(new MixedParamHybridUrlCodingStrategy(WebPageNaming.EN + SLASH + 
WebPageNaming.CORPORATIVE_SECTION_EN, SectionPageEN.class, false, new 

ir order to mount the URLs, but it looks like: 
http://localhost:8080/balune/en/corporativesection/home.16.1 when I hit an AJAX 
button like this:

private class LoginForm extends Form<LoginUserView> {

private static final long serialVersionUID = 1673801238179569937L;

public LoginForm(String id) {




public void onSubmit() {

if (BaluneSession.get().signIn(loginUserView.getEmail(), 
loginUserView.getPassword())) {

if (!continueToOriginalDestination()) {




else {





previously I was using "mountBookmarkablePage" and 
"MixedParamUrlCodingStrategy" but URLs looked uglier.

Is there any solution in this wicket version (I wouldn't like to change the 
version because it's and "old" app and it would be so much work to resolve the 
incompatibilites) to make the URLs look prettier? I'd like them to not change 
when I hit an AJAX button...

2) in production, the parameter jsessionid is appended to the URL. is there any 
way to avoid that in wicket? or is because Tomcat?

Thanks in advance.

Daniel Fernandez

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