
I've been using net.ftlines.wicket-bean-validation for a while now and I
suppose that the new experimantal org.apache.wicket.wicket-bean-validation
is based on the ftlines version and will eventually replace it (at least
for wicket 6 and above)?
Can I just replace the ftlines version with the new one or are there any
incompatibilities (except from the obvious difference in package names)?

Thanks in advance

2012/12/18 Martijn Dashorst <martijn.dasho...@gmail.com>

> The Apache Wicket PMC is proud to announce Apache Wicket 6.4.0!
> This release marks the fourth minor release of Wicket 6. Starting
> with Wicket 6 we use semantic versioning for the future development of
> Wicket, and as such no API breaks are present in this release compared
> to 6.0.0.
> New and noteworthy
> ===============
> JQuery was upgraded to 1.8.3, bootstrap to 2.2.2.
> JSR 303 BeanValidation support
> ------------------------------
> Native support for BeanValidation (JSR 303) was added as an
> experimental module and released as version 0.5. You can grab it
> by using these maven coordinates:
>     org.apache.wicket:wicket-bean-validation:0.5:jar
> or by pasting in the pom snippet below:
>     <dependency>
>         <groupId>org.apache.wicket</groupId>
>         <artifactId>wicket-bean-validation</artifactId>
>         <version>0.5</version>
>     </dependency>
> Note that this is an experimental module and that it is not released
> under the semantic versioning rules. Use at your own risk.
> Hierarchical feedback panel
> ---------------------------
> A new kind of feedback panel was introduced: a hierarchical feedback
> panel. A specialized feedback panel that only displays messages from
> inside a fence defined by a container component. Instances will not
> show messages coming from inside a nested fence, allowing the nesting
> of these panels to work correctly without displaying the same
> feedback message twice. A constructor that does not takes a fencing
> component creates a catch-all panel that shows messages that do not
> come from inside any fence or from the Session.
> For more information see:
>     http://s.apache.org/wicket-FencedFeedbackPanel
> For the full changelog see the release notes attached to the end of
> this announcement.
> Using this release
> =============
> With Apache Maven update your dependency to (and don't forget to
> update any other dependencies on Wicket projects to the same version):
> <dependency>
>     <groupId>org.apache.wicket</groupId>
>     <artifactId>wicket-core</artifactId>
>     <version>6.4.0</version>
> </dependency>
> Or download and build the distribution yourself, or use our
> convenience binary package
>  * Source: http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/wicket/6.4.0
>  * Binary: http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/wicket/6.4.0/binaries
> Upgrading from earlier versions
> =======================
> If you upgrade from 6.0.0, 6.1.0, 6.2.0 or 6.3.0 this release is a drop in
> replacement. If you come from a version prior to 6.0.0, please
> read our Wicket 6 migration guide found at
>     http://s.apache.org/wicket-6.0-migration
> Have fun!
> — The Wicket team
> ==================================================
> Release Notes - Wicket - Version 6.4.0
> ** Sub-task
>     * [WICKET-4880] - Make it possible to override the Ajax behavior
> of AjaxSubmitLink and AjaxButton
> ** Bug
>     * [WICKET-4869] - Wicket-Atmosphere track message length
>     * [WICKET-4872] - IllegalArgumentException on
> ReloadingWicketFilter and inheritance markup
>     * [WICKET-4877] - encodeUrl fails parsing jsessionid when using root
> context
>     * [WICKET-4878] - Rendering of feedback messages fails with DebugBar
> in page
>     * [WICKET-4881] - IE 8 : error when handling Wicket Ajax Response
>     * [WICKET-4884] - ValidationError messages for NumberTextFields
> with minimum/maximum are always English
>     * [WICKET-4886] - Do not register Ajax timer if the component is
> removed
>     * [WICKET-4890] - Bad validation messages after WICKET-2128
>     * [WICKET-4891] - UrlRenderer.renderRelativeUrl misbehavior if the
> filterPath is composed.
>     * [WICKET-4894] - Internet Explorer fails fails to properly
> include conditional stylesheet links added via AjaxRequestTarget
>     * [WICKET-4895] - WicketRuntimeException: addOrReplace for
> feedback panel does not clear Component.FEEDBACK_LIST - feedback from
> replaced component causes error.
>     * [WICKET-4899] - autocomplete shows strings with quotes strings
> as string2 with &quot;quote&quot;
>     * [WICKET-4900] - Setting a status code on an AbstractResource
> results in no HTTP body
>     * [WICKET-4908] - Wrong charset or screwed up characters in
> Norwegian properties-file
>     * [WICKET-4911] - Palette Ajax update does not work
>     * [WICKET-4913] - HtmlDocumentParser does not support tags
> containing number (e.g. h1-h6)
>     * [WICKET-4915] - org.apache.wicket.util.resource.Patht#find fails
> on Windows
>     * [WICKET-4916] - AbstractTree$TreeItem renderHead does not call
> renderHead for child TreeItems.
>     * [WICKET-4917] - Websockets are not working if URL has a hash in it
>     * [WICKET-4918] - LazyInitProxyFactory prevents using package
> private interfaces
>     * [WICKET-4920] - Rendered Url on root context with cookies
> disabled might result in double slash //
>     * [WICKET-4922] - Cloned ServletWebRequest returns wrong OriginalUrl
>     * [WICKET-4923] - CryptoMapper ignores original queryString parameters
> ** Improvement
>     * [WICKET-4873] - Support different session id parameter
>     * [WICKET-4876] - CheckBoxMultipleChoice should implement
> getAdditionalAttributes as RadioChoice
>     * [WICKET-4887] - Use a Set to keep the supported wicket elements
> in WicketTagIdentifier
>     * [WICKET-4889] - Label constructor should accept Serializable as label
>     * [WICKET-4892] - Provide helpful exception message in
> RequestCycle#urlFor()
>     * [WICKET-4901] - AjaxPagingNaviagtionLink should provide
> updateAjaxAttributes like AjaxLink
>     * [WICKET-4902] - ConcatBundleResource should use the respective
> ITextResourceCompressor
>     * [WICKET-4924] - Websocket broadcast support does not work with OSGi
> ** New Feature
>     * [WICKET-4832] - Websocket broadcast support
>     * [WICKET-4879] - Implementing channels in wicket-atmosphere
>     * [WICKET-4883] - Out of the box bean-validation (JSR 303) integration
>     * [WICKET-4888] - Introduce a hierarchical feedback panel
> (FencedFeedbackPanel)
> ** Task
>     * [WICKET-4885] - Upgrade jQuery to its latest stable version (1.8.3)
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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> For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@wicket.apache.org

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