Concerning Wicket 1.5/6:

I've mounted a page for example with a mount path like "product.html" and
with a query string (PageParameter) like "product.html?product=1234". This
is my old mounting path which has already been indexed by Google.
The new mounting path for the same page will look different, say
To forward requests from obsolete links to the new one, I've added a kind of
"Redirect Page" which does nothing but redirecting to the new Url. The
redirect page is mounted with the old path.

public RedirectPage( final PageParameters parameters, final String url )
        throw new RedirectToUrlException( url ,
HttpServletResponse.SC_MOVED_PERMANENTLY );

If I would change the mounting path for more than 5 or 10 pages, this kind
of solution could be very annoying.
Is there another way to solve this. I would prefer something like a Map
which holds old and new mounth paths and a kind of "Mapper" which is
responsible to map obsolete URLs to new ones.
Exists such a solution which I'm not aware of?

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