I found a solution and it's not bad at all. This works specifically with WebLogic and the HTTP WebLogic Plugin, so anyone using that setup should benefit from this:

1. I created a subclass of org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.servlet.ServletWebRequest to override getContextPath():

    public String getContextPath()
        String webLogicPrepend = getHeader("WL-PATH-PREPEND");
        String contextPath = super.getContextPath();

        if (StringUtils.equals(webLogicPrepend, contextPath))
            return StringUtils.EMPTY;
            return contextPath;

The WebLogic HTTP plugin sends a header called WL-PATH-PREPEND which is part of the Apache configuration (see http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E13222_01/wls/docs81/plugins/apache.html). I simply check to see if this header was sent and if it matches the one from the servlet. If that's the case, I send an empty string back so it doesn't get added.

2. Override newWebRequest in the WebApplication to use the ServletWebRequest subclass:

public WebRequest newWebRequest(HttpServletRequest servletRequest, String filterPath)
        return new ApiServletWebRequest(servletRequest, filterPath);

So far in my testing, I haven't had any of the problems I had before. This solution may also work with mod_proxy, but I'm not sure if there are headers sent in that situation.

I created a bug (https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-5000) which could possibly be closed now that I've found this work around.


On 1/22/13 12:32 PM, Tim Urberg wrote:
First the good news, I was able to get it to work by deploying the application in the root context. Once I did that, everything worked the way it should, paged switched from http to https with no problem. The bad news is that deploying it as / not an option. I've tried overriding createRedirectUrl to strip out the context in the url in HttpsMapper, but that only works part of the time. For example, when I put the @RequireHttps annotation on a page, and have logged in, when I click a link to it /documentation is added to the URL, which tells me it's more of a problem than just HttpsMapper. Perhaps it's a problem with the delegate mapper as well. The fact that it works correctly when deployed as the root context tells me there's got to be a better way to fix it. Anyway, I was wondering if anyone had any ideas as to where to start looking. It would be nice if there was a way to tell the wicket application that "even though I'm deployed at '/myapp', I'm actually behind a proxy and my context is '/'" That would really solve the problem.

I was thinking of creating a JIRA ticket or feature request for this.

Any thoughts?


On 1/17/13 3:04 PM, Tim Urberg wrote:
Ok, I'm making *some* progress (if you can call it that). First of all, here's more about my setup. I'm using wicket-auth-roles for authentication and I have this set up in my WebApplication.class based on an example I found in wicket examples:

1) the authorization strategy
getSecuritySettings().setAuthorizationStrategy(new IAuthorizationStrategy()

public <T extends IRequestableComponent> boolean isInstantiationAuthorized(Class<T> componentClass)
        if (AuthenticatedWebPage.class.isAssignableFrom(componentClass))
            if (ApiAuthenticatedWebSession.get().isSignedIn())
                return true;

throw new RestartResponseAtInterceptPageException(new LoginPage());
        return true;

public boolean isActionAuthorized(Component component, Action action)
        return true;

2) I have every page needing login.
3) I've got the login page mounted as /login and @RequireHttps on it.
4) In the onsubmit of the the login form I'm calling continueToOriginalDestination();

That's my setup, My attempt was to override createRedirectUrl in HttpsMapper so that it looks like this:

protected String createRedirectUrl(IRequestHandler handler, Request request, Scheme scheme)
return StringUtils.remove(super.createRedirectUrl(handler, request, scheme), "/documentation");

This works as long as I go to http://myserver.com/login and it will correctly redirect to https://myserver.com/login rather than https://myserver.com/documentation/login like it did before. However, if I go to http://myserver.com/ (the home page which redirects to the login page as part of the authorization strategy) it goes to https://myserver.com/documentation/login. Also if I go straight to the login page, login successfully, it will redirect to http://myserver.com/documentation what it thinks is the home page.

I looked at the code in RestartResponseAtInterceptPageException and I'm thinking this code could be the culprit:

static void continueToOriginalDestination()
        InterceptData data = InterceptData.get();
        if (data != null)
            data.continueOk = true;
String url = RequestCycle.get().getUrlRenderer().renderUrl(data.originalUrl); RequestCycle.get().replaceAllRequestHandlers(new RedirectRequestHandler(url)); <-- that's probably it

I also noticed when debugging, that if I go to http://myserver.com, it never gets to the HttpsMapper#createRedirectUrl method probably because of the code above. Of course, everything above works perfect when I'm running it in WebLogic by itself with no Apache Proxy in front of it.

I know what I wrote is not the best solution, but I'm really not sure there's any other way based on how the Weblogic Apache plugin works.

Thanks in advance for any help.

On 1/11/13 5:01 PM, vp143 wrote:
Hi Tim,

I do not use Weblogic but I do use Jboss.
Your problem sounds familar (but not exactly the same).
Take a look at my resolution here:
and try and apply it to Weblogic.


View this message in context: http://apache-wicket.1842946.n4.nabble.com/HttpsMapper-with-Apache-Virtual-Host-Appending-the-Wrong-Path-tp4655303p4655311.html
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