What are you really trying to accomplish here?

I think you're on the right path only one thing I would mention, the page
constructor is not called only once per application life cycle. Same page
can be constructed multiple times if you have a link going to that page
and you calll setResponsePage(new MyPage()).

More on detachable models:


~ Thank you,

   Paul Bors

On Mon, Feb 18, 2013 at 12:47 PM, Michael Chandler <
michael.chand...@onassignment.com> wrote:

> Good morning/afternoon everyone.
> I'm having a basic problem fully deciphering how to best manage my forms,
> specifically related to Models that are attached to forms.  Since a Wicket
> WebPage has it's constructor invoked only one time in the application
> lifecycle, I'm failing to fully understand how to present a form that has a
> model bound to it without inadvertently sharing that instance of the Model
> with every user of the application.  It seems like a fundamental issue that
> I'm failing to fully grasp and could use some input.
> As an example, I have the following in my constructor:
> LoadableDetachableModel<Job> jobModel = new LoadableDetachableModel<Job>()
> {
>      private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
>      @Override
>      protected Job load() {
>            Job job = (Job) EntityFactory.getInstance().getBean("job");
>            // if we're editing an existing job, load the object
>            if (jobId >= 1) {
>                 job.load(jobId);
>            }
>            return job;
>      }
> };
> I later create a form and after adding it in my constructor, bind the
> model to it as follows:
> jobForm.setModel(new CompoundPropertyModel<Job>(jobModel));
> As you can imagine, every user session from this point on now has that
> instance of a Job object bound to that form due to these declarations being
> in the page constructor.  I have come a long way on my own, but I'm at a
> point where I clearly do not have a full grasp of how to best approach
> this.  I suspect I can potentially override an instance of a Model's
> getObject() method for more dynamic behavior, but I'm concerned about
> writing code that becomes too verbose when perhaps there's a better/tighter
> way to handle this.  Can anyone advise me?
> Many thanks!
> Mike Chandler

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