This problem is not replicating in Wicket 1.4.21.

On 03/01/2013 09:36 AM, Jered Myers wrote:
I added this problem to JIRA.

On 03/01/2013 08:29 AM, Jered Myers wrote:
The page is stateless, so it has the same value being set for settings.ie8_src and settings.src in getWindowOpenJavaScript(). It seems that only pages with setStatelessHint(false) hit the second path in the code...

IRequestHandler handler = new RenderPageRequestHandler(new PageProvider(page));

                pageUrl = requestCycle.urlFor(handler);
String ie8_pageUrl = requestCycle.getUrlRenderer().renderRelativeUrl(
appendAssignment(buffer, "settings.ie8_src", ie8_pageUrl);

When I set the stateless hint to false, the value is the same for pageUrl and ie8_pageUrl. I would expect it to be different as that makes having two URLs for window.location pointless. My guess is that I am not replicating the reason for the two different settings or there is a bug.

I will add this as a bug in JIRA and clean up my notes to clarify my testing results.

On 03/01/2013 01:09 AM, Martin Grigorov wrote:

See org.apache.wicket.extensions.ajax.markup.html.modal.ModalWindow#getWindowOpenJavaScript().
There is such code:
    appendAssignment(buffer, "settings.ie8_src", pageUrl);

which is used in modal.js:


I guess this code breaks for you.

I don't have IE 7/8 around to test it.

On Fri, Mar 1, 2013 at 12:43 AM, Jered Myers

It appears that the request is different between IE7 and Chrome once it hits the Jetty server with the inner modal window. modal.js is calling window.location.replace in load with the same value no matter what browser
I am using.  The first window in the Quickstart has a location of
"./wicket/bookmarkable/com.qs.**NestedModals.**OuterModalContent" and the
second modal is missing "wicket/bookmarkable" and is only
"./com.qs.NestedModals.**InnerModalContent". I didn't mount anything (no changes in the Application class). The original problem was on a Tomcat6 server and I tried several versions of Jetty and didn't see a change. I did find that if I mount the content page in the Quickstart the problem is resolved; however, this is not fixing my primary application. It appears
that the mappers are not able to locate the page for the class.

Please help if you can.

On 02/26/2013 04:47 PM, Jered Myers wrote:

I am attaching a Quickstart that replicates the problem.

On 02/25/2013 09:48 AM, Jered Myers wrote:

I put a break point in CompoundRequestMapper at line 149 (the mapRequest
function). Here are the results of request.getURL.toString():
- wicket/page?8 (first ModalWindow)
- page?9 (nested ModalWindow)

Chrome, IE9 (browser IE7, document IE7):
- wicket/page?8 (first ModalWindow)
- wicket/page?9 (nested ModalWindow)

I will keep digging.  Any help is appreciated!

On 02/25/2013 09:17 AM, Jered Myers wrote:

I do see this in my log if I turn on DEBUG in log4j:
[08:43:03] DEBUG [org.apache.wicket.request.**mapper.CompoundRequestMapper]
- No compatible mapper found for URL 'page?6'
[08:43:03] DEBUG [org.apache.wicket.request.**cycle.RequestCycle] - No suitable handler found for URL page?6, falling back to container to process
this request

I don't see that message when I run in Chrome.

On 02/25/2013 09:13 AM, Jered Myers wrote:

It looks like it was a bug fixed in a 1.5 release candidate (**jira/browse/WICKET-3982<>).
The example in my link (http://www.wicket-library.**
com/wicket-examples/ajax/**modal-window<>) appears to be using Wicket 1.5.9, so it should be fixed in that code and it isn't. I am replicating the problem in my own code using Wicket 6.5. I am going to keep digging, but I am suspicious that tests may have been done using the developer tools in IE9. I know that using the IE9 developer tools and changing the document and browser modes will not replicate the

On 02/23/2013 04:53 AM, Martin Grigorov wrote:


There was such issue before but as far as I remember it was fixed.
Look in Jira. There is also a special code for IE7/8 in

On Sat, Feb 23, 2013 at 2:40 AM, Jered Myers

The same problem happens in IE 8. Using development mode (F12) in
IE9+ to
lower the browser version will not replicate the problem.

On 02/22/2013 03:23 PM, Jered Myers wrote:

  Wicket 6.5
I am getting a 404 error in IE 7 when I open a ModalWindow in a
ModalWindow. Both windows use page creators. Has anybody run into
before?  The code works fine in Firefox, Chrome, and lE9+. This
in the Wicket examples if you use the "Show modal dialog with a
page" and
then "Open another modal dialog" @**
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