Seems like this is caused by WICKET-4959.

Please file a Jira issue.


On 03/15/2013 09:56 PM, Marios Skounakis wrote:
Hi all,

I am using a modal window as a substitute for messageboxes. E.g. I have a
few forms with an ajax submit button, and I am using the modal window to
first display a confirmation message, and if the user accepts it, to
display a success / failure message.

I am getting frequent errors in the Wicket Ajax Debug console. One is:
Wicket.Ajax.Call.processEvaluation: Exception evaluating javascript:
TypeError: Wicket.TimerHandles is undefined, text:
(function(){clearTimeout(Wicket.TimerHandles['spinner21e']); delete

The spinner control mentioned above is an image component with an
AbstractAjaxTimerBehavior. In all cases of error, it has
setVisibilityAllowed(false) (it's hidden).

Usually the errors can be ignored and the page still functions normally.

I've never really dug into the way ajax responses are handled so I'm not
sure where to start in order to track this error down.

Any ideas?
Thanks in advance,

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