We use JProfiler, but Ive also used Yourkit (both very good profilers).


On Mon, Apr 1, 2013 at 3:45 PM, Serban.Balamaci <thespamtr...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hello guys,
> I'm trying to have a finer look at what is taking time on the serverside in
> our application.
> What I have so far is that I'm using Spring AOP to track down calls to all
> the methods and time to the Services layer. PS: I'm using JETM
> http://jetm.void.fm/ (it may be old, but is simple and give pretty much
> what
> you need).
> 2. I've collected the time for the whole request to process in a
> AbstractRequestCycleListener onBeginRequest, onEndRequest so as to see a
> sum
> of the total time spent on a particular usecase.
> What I've expected to find is that most of the resulting time would be
> spent
> in the services layer and pretty much summed up to be near the request time
> on the requestcyclelistener.
> Practical data shows however otherwise, with the sum of the service time
> not
> even close to the total of the request time.
> 3. So I've fine tuned the result to also show the rendering time for the
> components taking as example RenderPerformanceListener which measure the
> time between component onBeforeRender and onAfterRender.
> It's pretty nice to see in jetm hierarchycal component->services call,
> however it still not nearly close to the whole request time.
> I'm still looking and seeing that there is some logic also on some
> component's constructors and also onInitialize() methods that I see no easy
> way to measure them. IComponentInitializationListener seems to only trigger
> after initialization, I see no  easy way to mark the start time of the
> onInitialize() and collect the time in the listener.
> So I'm asking if anyone got an idea, or I'm interested what you guys
> usually
> do to track down any performance issues in the app.
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://apache-wicket.1842946.n4.nabble.com/Tracking-performance-issues-on-requests-best-practices-tp4657676.html
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