I get an exception and it's not very clear to me what I'm doing wrong. This is the exception: Last cause: Unknown tag name with Wicket namespace: 'panel'. Might be you haven't installed the appropriate resolver? '<wicket:panel>' (line 3, column 2)
I'm trying to override the markupSourcingStrategy because i want this class to have it's own html file. Anybody an idea? I use wicket-core 6.7.0. This is my java file: public class ExtBookMarkablePageLink<T> extends BookmarkablePageLink<T> { private final Component label; public <C extends Page> ExtBookMarkablePageLink(String id, Class<C> pageClass) { this(id, pageClass, new PageParameters()); } public <C extends Page> ExtBookMarkablePageLink(String id, Class<C> pageClass, final PageParameters parameters) { super(id, pageClass, parameters); add(label = newLabel("label")); } protected Component newLabel(final String markupId) { return new Label(markupId, new Model<String>("")).setRenderBodyOnly(true); } @Override protected IMarkupSourcingStrategy newMarkupSourcingStrategy() { return new PanelMarkupSourcingStrategy(true); } public ExtBookMarkablePageLink<T> setLabel(IModel<?> label) { this.label.setDefaultModel(label); return this; } } and this my html file: <!doctype html> <html xmlns:wicket="http://wicket.apache.org"> <wicket:panel> <span wicket:id="label"></span> </wicket:panel> </html>