When I submit a form via an AjaxSubmitLink, form.findSubmittingButton() 
returns null, even though I called form.add(theLlink). Is this expected 
behavior? I know the findSubmittingButton() method says "button," but it 
returns an IFormSubmittingComponent, so I would expect it could return 
either a button or a submitting link.

I need to distinguish between the various links/buttons that can submit 
the form. Is this not possible with an AjaxSubmitLink? I'm using Wicket 

From:   Sven Meier <s...@meiers.net>
To:     users@wicket.apache.org
Date:   06/13/2013 07:53 AM
Subject:        Re: wicket and JPA

Please read "9.6 Detachable models" of the Wicket Free Guide and come 
back with your questions.


On 06/13/2013 01:20 PM, Boris Brinza wrote:
> Hello to all,
> I have some fundamental issues with integration of jpa into wicket.
> I develop web application using wicket 6 and JPA (eclipselink). Maybe 
> next question is more JPA oriented, but nevertheless:
> Lets say i have
> class BaseDetailPage<T extens BaseDO> extends WebPage {
>     protected <T> dbEntity;
> }
> where dbEntity is instance of jpa persisted object.
> BaseDetail page contains form for editing db entity using 
> CompoundPropertyModel.
> After i open detail page, entity is read from DB and page is displayed 
> (if edit button is pressed) or i create new instance of object (if add 
> button is pressed).
> After submit, if i want to add new record, everything is clear, i call 
> beginTX(), entityManager.persist(dbEntity), commitTX().
> But what about updating existing record?
> Every example for JPA shows some basic code like this:
> beginTX()
> dbObject.setXXX();
> dbObject.setYYY();
> commitTX()
> But how to integrate this into wicket form using compound property 
> There is no such code for setting properties of db object, and jpa 
> does not have anything like entityManager.update().
> Now i use hack (by my opinion it';s a hack)
> beginTX()
> entityManaget.detach(dbObject);
> entityManager.merge(dbObject)
> commitTX()
> but i am not sure, if it's right solution (or i'm almost sure it's not 
> right attitude)
> Is there any tutorial how to integrate these frameworks, or some 
> simple opensource project to check how it's solved?
> Thanks for any advice,
> Boris
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