You can write your own IStringResourceLoader providing your set of
translations and register it in front of the list through the IInitializer

Le 24 juin 2013 07:12, "Marios Skounakis" <msc...@gmail.com> a écrit :

> Hi all,
> I am developing a "framework" library with wicket components and utility
> classes that is intended to be reused in all wicket apps developed by our
> company. I wish to override some of the standard wicket messages (e.g.
> wicket-extensions datatable.no-records-found=No Records Found).
> I have created an Initializer class and a Initializer.properties file with
> the overriden messages. However wicket seems to first load the
> wicket-extensions property file and then my own, perhaps due to their
> alphabetic order.
> Is there a way to specify the order in which Initilizers run? If not, is
> there another way to override some of the wicket messages in a place that
> can be reused across multiple applications (i.e. not in
> WicketApplication.properties or a component/page properties file).
> Thanks
> Marios

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