See PagingNavigationLink, PagingNavigationIncrementLink and their use by the
NavigationToolbar as well as their counter parts.
You would have to create your own NavigationToolbar, call super() methods
and replace the PagingNavigationLink with your own.

If you want to replace the headers then take a look at

That's how I customized them both.

Here's some code for you to get you started :)

public class MyAjaxPagingNavigationLink extends AjaxPagingNavigationLink {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    private boolean isForLastPageLink;
    private boolean hideLastPageLink;
     * Constructor.
     * @param id
     *            See Component
     * @param iPageable
     *            The pageable component for this page link
     * @param pageNumber
     *            The page number in the PageableListView that this link
links to. Negative
     *            pageNumbers are relative to the end of the list.
     * @see AjaxPagingNavigationLink
    public MyAjaxPagingNavigationLink(String id, IPageable iPageable, int
pageNumber) {
        this(id, iPageable, pageNumber, false);
     * Constructor.
     * @param id
     *            See Component
     * @param iPageable
     *            The pageable component for this page link
     * @param pageNumber
     *            The page number in the PageableListView that this link
links to. Negative
     *            pageNumbers are relative to the end of the list.
     * @param hideLastPageLink
     *            Boolean flag set to true if the last page link is to be
     * @see AjaxPagingNavigationLink
    public MyAjaxPagingNavigationLink(String id, IPageable iPageable, int
pageNumber, boolean hideLastPageLink) {
        super(id, iPageable, pageNumber);
        this.hideLastPageLink = hideLastPageLink;
        isForLastPageLink = pageNumber == -1;
    public void onComponentTagBody(MarkupStream stream, ComponentTag
openTag) {
        String src;
        if (isForLastPageLink && hideLastPageLink) {
            src = "";
        } else {
            src = getImageSource(isForLastPageLink, pageable);

        replaceComponentTagBody(stream, openTag, src);
    public static String getImageSource(boolean forLastPageLink, IPageable
iPageable) {
        String buttonLabel = new ResourceModel("button.label").getObject();
        String src = null;
        if(forLastPageLink) {
            if((iPageable.getCurrentPage() == iPageable.getPageCount() - 1)
|| (iPageable.getPageCount() == 0)) {
                src =
            } else {
                src =
        } else {
            if(iPageable.getCurrentPage() == 0) {
                src =
            } else {
                src =
        return "<img src=\"" + src  + "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" + buttonLabel
+ "\">";

public class MyAjaxNavigationToolbar extends AjaxNavigationToolbar {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    protected boolean showNavigationLabel = true;
    public MyAjaxNavigationToolbar(DataTable<?, ?> table) {
        this(table, table.getColumns().size());
    public MyAjaxNavigationToolbar(DataTable<?, ?> table, int customColspan)
        WebMarkupContainer span = (WebMarkupContainer)this.get("span");
        span.add(new AttributeModifier("colspan", new
    protected PagingNavigator newPagingNavigator(String navigatorId, final
DataTable<?, ?> table) {
        return new AjaxPagingNavigator(navigatorId, table) {
            private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
            protected Link<?> newPagingNavigationIncrementLink(String id,
IPageable pageable, int increment) {
                return new MyAjaxPagingNavigationIncrementLink(id, pageable,
            protected Link<?> newPagingNavigationLink(String id, IPageable
pageable, int pageNumber) {
                return new MyAjaxPagingNavigationLink(id, pageable,
pageNumber) {
                    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
                    public boolean isVisible() {
                        return !isShortenVersion();
            protected PagingNavigation newNavigation(String id, IPageable
pageable, IPagingLabelProvider labelProvider) {
                return new AjaxPagingNavigation("navigation", pageable,
labelProvider) {
                    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
                    protected Link<?> newPagingNavigationLink(String id,
IPageable iPageable, long pageIndex) {
                        return new AjaxPagingNavigationLink(id, iPageable,
                    public boolean isVisible() {
                        return !isShortenVersion();
            protected void onAjaxEvent(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
                if (target.getPage() instanceof ConsolePage) {
            public boolean isVisible() {
                return table.getPageCount() > 1;
    protected WebComponent newNavigatorLabel(String navigatorId, final
DataTable<?, ?> table) {
        NavigatorLabel nLabel = new NavigatorLabel(navigatorId, table) {
            private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
            public boolean isVisible() {
                return isShowNavigationLabel();
        if (isShortenVersion()) {
                new StringResourceModel("ShortNavigatorLabel", this,
                new Model<NavigationToolbarLabelData>(new
NavigationToolbarLabelData(table)), "${from} to ${to} of ${of}")
        return nLabel;
     * Override method in order to subscribe to Ajax pagination update
    protected void updateComponents(AjaxRequestTarget target) { }
     * Predicator for the visibility of the {@link NavigatorLabel}.
     * @return The visibility state of the navigator label.
    public boolean isShowNavigationLabel() {
        return showNavigationLabel;
     * Mutator for the navigation labels.
     * @param   showStrechComponent Boolean flag set to <code>true</code> if
     *          navigation labels are to be displayed.
     * @return  A reference back to the same instance of this class object,
     *          useful to chain calls.
    public MyAjaxNavigationToolbar setShowNavigationLabel(boolean
showStrechComponent) {
        showNavigationLabel = showStrechComponent;
        return this;
     * Controls the {@link NavigatorLabel}'s format that provides Showing x
to y of z message given for a DataTable.<br>
     * The default of <code>false</code> would use the longer <code>Showing
${from} to ${to} of ${of}</code> format
     * while if overridden to return <code>true</code> then the shorter
<code>${from} to ${to} of ${of}</code> format
     * will be used
     * @return  <code>false</code> by default to show the long format.
    public boolean isShortenVersion() {
        return false;

~ Thank you,
  Paul Bors

-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Watrous [] 
Sent: Monday, June 24, 2013 4:15 PM
Subject: Customizing links in Paging


I'm using the Paging functionality with my DataProvider. I've been trying to
make a simple change, but it's turned out to be very difficult.
Hopefully you can give a little help.

I have a class that extends PagingNavigator and provides markup specific to
my theme. When the paging links render, the current page doesn't render with
an <a> tag around it. It's stripped away.

I've traced through and found that this is most likely due to AutoEnable
being set to true in the Link that's created. That choice is hard coded in
to the PagingNavigationLink class.

I'm trying to avoid extending all of the Paging related classes down to the
PagingNavigationLink in order to customize this behavior. Is there some way
to have that active page render inside an <a> tag with no href?


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