Hi *,

I have the following markup snippet:

        <div wicket:id="repeatingDocTypes" >
          <span wicket:id="docTypeName">Orders</span><br/>
          <div wicket:id="repeatingDocRef">
            <a href="#" wicket:id="doclink"><span 

which is bound to this code snippet:

   RepeatingView rv = new RepeatingView("repeatingDocTypes");
   for (...)
     addDocTypeBox(rv, docs);

  private void addDocTypeBox(RepeatingView rv, List<Document> docs)
    AbstractItem i = new AbstractItem(rv.newChildId());
    i.add(new Label("docTypeName", getDocTypeDescription());
    RepeatingView rdr = new RepeatingView("repeatingDocRef");

    for (Document d: docs)
      AbstractItem docsummary = new AbstractItem(rdr.newChildId());
      Link l = new Link("doclink")
      l.add(createSummaryPanel("docid", d));

Please note that the two for loops execute just 1 iteration each with my 
current test data.

I get the following exception:

Last cause: Unable to find component with id 'docTypeName' in [AbstractItem 
[Component id = 1]]
        Expected: 'footerPanel:repeatingDocTypes:1.docTypeName'.
        Found with similar names: 'footerPanel:repeatingDocTypes:2:docTypeName'

which does shed some light on what's going on, but I find it hard to understand 
what do "1.docTypeName" and "2:docTypeName" mean. Where did those "1" and "2" 
come from? What information do they give me in order to spot the bug? Why is 
"1" followed by a dot while "2" is followed by a column?

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