I managed to got it working, but in the end I gave up trying to integrate my js library and did it using pure wicket, the end result was a lot nicer and much easier to maintain.

Thank you for your answer.

On 30/08/13 03:09, Martin Grigorov wrote:

There is a special handling for Ajax requests - the page is marked as dirty
and stored, but its pageId is not incremented. So the new state completely
overrides the old in the store.

By "the object is not attached to a Form" I understand that you try to
update the model of a Component which is not in the page's component tree.
Since this component is not visible/reachable by the page then its stateful
behavior is not reachable too. So at the end the page may be still
stateless and thus never stored.
Try with: page.setStatelessHint(false)

On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 8:22 AM, Edgar Merino <donvo...@gmail.com> wrote:

I'm completely lost here, I've been debugging AjaxCheckBox just to see how
it manages to not make the page dirty, but something strange happens when
calling Component#dirty(boolean) on Component#modelChanging(), I set a
breakpoint in the beginning of the Component#dirty(boolean) method but it
never gets there... although it is being called by Component#dirty().
However, when using my custom FormComponent, it will always mark the page
as dirty (it will enter the method) making my changes to be visible only on
the next version of the page, which is not what I want, any idea how to
solve this?

On 29/08/13 23:05, Edgar Merino wrote:

Found the problem, it has to do with versioning of pages... my callback
is not changing the version number in the URL so everytime I refresh the
web page I'm retrieving the older version of the page. I'm gonna have to
work with AjaxRequestTarget in order to avoid this I guess.

On 29/08/13 22:52, Edgar Merino wrote:

I have track this down to the Component#modelChanging() method, it seems
that the actual modified page is not being stored in the session (perhaps
it has something to do with dirty pages?). I'm a bit lost here, any clue
would be appreciated.

Thank you.

On 29/08/13 14:33, Edgar Merino wrote:

Hello, I'm having a problem with a FormComponent I'm implementing, I'm
manually calling FormComponent#validate(), FormComponent#valid() and
FormComponent#updateModel() inside MyBehavior#onRequest() since the object
is not attached to a Form, I'm using a custom Behavior (MyBehavior, which
extends AbstractAjaxBehavior, I don't need any of the functionality
provided by AjaxDefaultAbstractBehavior), the model changes for this
request but every time a new request is handled I see the component still
uses the old model that was supposed to be replaced in the previous request.

By debugging the application I can see that everytime a new request is
handled, the FormComponent will look for the model in the Component#data
attribute array, which holds the initially set IModel and is never
changed... I don't have a clue on how to change this, I bet this is the key
to solve this, does anyone have a clue on how to do this?

Thanks in advance,
Edgar Merino.

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