We're having trouble making our form reset button work. It's defined 

AjaxButton button = new AjaxButton("reset-button");
<input type="button"  value="Reset"  wicket:id="reset-button" />

Here's our reset code, executed when the button is clicked. The main form 
seems to re-render OK, but a
FormComponentPanel that is part of the form does not. I see a lot of 
discussion on Wicket form resets on the Web, but most is several years 
old. Is there an "officially" endorsed pattern or example for doing Ajax 
form resets?

public void onReset(final AjaxRequestTarget target) {

        final Component.IVisitor<FormComponent<?>> visitor = new 
Component.IVisitor<FormComponent<?>>() {

                @Override public Object component(final FormComponent<?> 
formComponent) {

                        if (formComponent.getDefaultModel() != null) {    
// Must have a model for the component
                                final Object currentValue = 
formComponent.getDefaultModelObject();  // Save model value
                                formComponent.clearInput();             // 
Clear out
 formComponent.setDefaultModelObject(currentValue); // Add the value back
                        if (target != null) {
                        return Component.IVisitor.CONTINUE_TRAVERSAL;
        visitChildren(FormComponent.class, visitor);



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