Hi *,

We built an app which has a base page, and several child pages which inherit from the base page. The app is themeable, and one of the requirements of the app is/was that these themes should be manageable.
This means we have a set of themes which can be changed on-the-fly.

To add flexibility to our app, a theme can override the html of the base page. To handle the custom html, our base page implements IMarkupResourceStreamProvider and IMarkupCacheKeyProvider.

Every user of the app can select a theme, so the theme is determined per request.

The cache key is generated based on the theme id and the container class:

public String getCacheKey( MarkupContainer container, Class< ? > containerClass )
        final Theme theme = getWebsite().getTheme();
        return "Theme#" + theme.getId() + "-" + containerClass.getName();

The markup resource stream is only "overriden" for the base page:

public IResourceStream getMarkupResourceStream( MarkupContainer container, Class< ? > containerClass )
        final Theme theme = getWebsite().getTheme();

        if( containerClass.equals( WebsiteLayout.class ) )
            String markup = theme.getMarkup();
            return new StringResourceStream( markup, "text/html" );

return defaultResourceStreamProvider.getMarkupResourceStream( container, containerClass );

(where defaultResourceStreamProvider is a DefaultMarkupResourceStreamProvider instance).

The problem we are facing is that when the user switches to a different theme, they keep seeing the html code of the previously selected theme. Debugging shows that when the theme is changed:
- getCacheKey is hit for both the child page and the base page
- getMarkupResourceStream is hit for both the child page and the base page

I think it could be due to the way wicket's DefaultMarkupResourceStreamProvider handles inheritance: maybe it (too) caches the base page markup?

Can anyone help with this? How do we properly cache dynamic html for a base page which is used by several (static) child pages?



Met vriendelijke groet,
Kind regards,

Bas Gooren

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