Am using Wicket 1.5.10.

In Component's render() method I note the finally block to ensure
afterRender() is run which always sets FLAG_RENDERING to false, regardless
of what might have occurred during render or afterRender().

However I can't see any similar cleanup code for the
FLAG_PREPARED_FOR_RENDER, set during the beforeRender phase.

Hence if an exception occurs after onBeforeRender() where this flag is set
true, but before markRendering() is called to unset it (and set
FLAG_RENDERING true), I end up with FLAG_PREPARED_FOR_RENDER still set. It
happens when I get an exception during loading an LDM in a child
component's onConfigure() method (model is being loaded so we can set the
child component's visibility based on the model value).

The next time I try and redraw the parent component by ajax I get
unexpected behaviour due to that flag being set.

Should FLAG_PREPARED_FOR_RENDER not get set to false in the finally block
of afterRender()? It seems to fix the problem I'm having...


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