
I've been tinkering in the guts of wicket for years, I read this this
morning and in a few minutes it answered many questions I've been
wondering about for a long time.  Wonderful work wicket team :)

On 14/01/14 22:50, Pierre Goupil wrote:
> +1, it is a pain-killer! :-)
> Cheers to all of you,
> Pierre
> On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 12:01 PM, Zilvinas Vilutis <zilvi...@vilutis.lt>wrote:
>> This guide is AWESOME!
>> Big respect and thank you to everyone who contributed!
>> Žilvinas Vilutis
>> On Mon, Jan 13, 2014 at 6:00 PM, Martijn Dashorst <dasho...@apache.org
>>> wrote:
>>> The Apache Wicket PMC is proud to announce Apache Wicket 6.13.0!
>>> This release marks the thirteenth minor release of Wicket 6. Starting
>>> with Wicket 6 we use semantic versioning for the future development of
>>> Wicket, and as such no API breaks are present in this release compared
>>> to 6.0.0.
>>> New and noteworthy
>>> ------------------
>>> This release fixes 25 bugs and adds the following improvements:
>>>  * Online Wicket User guide (see below)
>>>  * CDI 1.1 support (see below)
>>>  * JQuery upgraded from 1.10.1 to 1.10.2
>>>  * Implemented BigIntegerConverter
>>>  * Migrate Wicket-Atmosphere to Atmosphere 2
>>> New Wicket User guide
>>> -----------------------------
>>> After many years of people asking for a reference guide for Apache
>>> Wicket we finally were able to add one to our site thanks to Andrea del
>>> Bene and comSysto for writing the guide and providing the hours of
>>> converting it to our site.
>>> You can read the manual in 3 forms: multi page HTML, single page HTML
>>> and PDF.
>>> The contents:
>>>  - Introduction
>>>  - How to use the example code
>>>  - Why should I learn Wicket?
>>>  - Wicket says "Hello, World!"
>>>  - Wicket as page layout manager
>>>  - Keeping control over HTML
>>>  - Component Lifecycle
>>>  - Page versioning and caching
>>>  - Under the hood of request processing
>>>  - Wicket Links and URL generation
>>>  - Wicket models and forms
>>>  - Wicket forms in detail
>>>  - Displaying multiple items with repeaters
>>>  - Internationalization with Wicket
>>>  - Resource management with Wicket
>>>  - An example of integration with JavaScript
>>>  - Wicket advanced topics
>>>  - Working with AJAX
>>>  - Integration with enterprise containers
>>>  - Security with Wicket
>>>  - Test Driven Development with Wicket
>>>  - Test Driven Development with Wicket and Spring
>>>  - Wicket Best Practices
>>>  - Working with Maven (Appendix)
>>>  - Project WicketStuff (Appendix)
>>>  - Lost in redirection with Apache Wicket (Appendix)
>>>  - Contributing to this guide (Appendix)
>>> Read more in the "User guide" by following this link:
>>>     http://wicket.apache.org/start/userguide.html
>>> New CDI-1.1 integration project
>>> -------------------------------
>>> A new (experimental) module for CDI integration was added to support
>>> CDI 1.1 with Wicket. As CDI 1.0 and 1.1 are different beasts and not
>>> compatible, we had to craft a new module with specific support for the
>>> new CDI standard. The module is still experimental, but we expect to
>>> make it a default module in a couple of releases.
>>> You can use the new Wicket CDI module by including the following
>>> dependency in your POM:
>>>     <dependency>
>>>    <groupId>org.apache.wicket</groupId>
>>> <artifactId>wicket-cdi-1.1</artifactId>
>>> <version>0.2</version>
>>> </dependency>
>>> Note that you have to remove the old wicket-cdi module and the Seam
>>> conversation dependency:
>> org.jboss.seam.conversation:seam-conversation-weld
>>> For more information about what is new in CDI 1.1 read this blog post
>>> by Pete Muir: http://s.apache.org/newincdi11
>>> JQuery update in 6.9.0
>>> ----------------------
>>> As of Wicket 6.9 we ship JQuery 1.10.1. The JQuery project has
>>> decided to remove deprecated APIs from their codebase from JQuery 1.9
>>> and up. This means that JQuery plugins using these deprecated APIs no
>>> longer work. See the JQuery migration guide for more information,
>>> available from http://jquery.com/upgrade-guide/1.9/
>>> If your application depends on these deprecated APIs you can easily
>>> downgrade to JQuery 1.8.3-the previously provided JQuery that still
>>> contains these APIs. Download the 1.8.3 release of jquery and add it
>>> to your project in its application's init method:
>>>     @Override
>>>     protected void init() {
>>>         getJavaScriptLibrarySettings()
>>>             .setJQueryReference(yourJquery183ResourceReference);
>>>     }
>>> CDI injection issue
>>> -------------------
>>> In the CDI releases of Weld 2.0.1 and prior, it was assumed that
>>> injection in anonymous inner classes was not legal and when
>>> attempted, it resulted in an exception:
>>>     Caused by: org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException:
>>>     WELD-000070 Simple bean [EnhancedAnnotatedTypeImpl] private class
>>>     com.example.HomePage$AForm cannot be a non-static inner class
>>> This was reported as
>>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-5226, as it became an
>>> issue in Glassfish 4, which ships with Weld 2.0.1 (or earlier). We
>>> implemented a fix for this particular issue by not injecting into
>>> anonymous inner classes.
>>> Unfortunately this was not a bug that needed fixing on our part, but
>>> rather in the Weld framework (see
>>> https://issues.jboss.org/browse/WELD-1441)
>>> Therefore we reverted the commits done for WICKET-5226 and hope that
>>> Glassfish will upgrade their Weld implementation soon. For the whole
>>> story read
>>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-5264
>>> Glassfish has fixed this in trunk according to
>>>     https://java.net/jira/browse/GLASSFISH-20619
>>> but the fix has yet to be integrated into a release.
>>> Using this release
>>> ------------------
>>> With Apache Maven update your dependency to (and don't forget to
>>> update any other dependencies on Wicket projects to the same version):
>>> <dependency>
>>>     <groupId>org.apache.wicket</groupId>
>>>     <artifactId>wicket-core</artifactId>
>>>     <version>6.13.0</version>
>>> </dependency>
>>> Or download and build the distribution yourself, or use our
>>> convenience binary package
>>>  * Source: http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/wicket/6.13.0
>>>  * Binary: http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/wicket/6.13.0/binaries
>>> Upgrading from earlier versions
>>> -------------------------------
>>> If you upgrade from 6.y.z this release is a drop in replacement. If
>>> you come from a version prior to 6.0.0, please read our Wicket 6
>>> migration guide found at
>>>  *
>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/WICKET/Migration+to+Wicket+6.0
>>> Have fun!
>>> — The Wicket team
>> =============================================================================
>>> Release Notes - Wicket - Version 6.13.0
>>> ** Bug
>>>     * [WICKET-4294] - AutoCompleteTextField does not show suggestions
>>> when it is used on ModalWindow in InternetExplorer
>>>     * [WICKET-4997] - Mounted bookmarkable Page not recreated on Session
>>> Expiry
>>>     * [WICKET-5084] - ClassNotFoundException with Atmosphere on
>>> Bookmarkable pages
>>>     * [WICKET-5224] - ModalWindow is not visible in Safari when opened
>>> from a link at the bottom of a large page
>>>     * [WICKET-5321] - Incorporate Wicket Guide into website
>>>     * [WICKET-5379] - IE7: AutoCompleteTextField inside a ModalWindow
>>> shows auto complete dropdown behind ModalWindow
>>>     * [WICKET-5387] - Page#onInitialize called after an exception in
>>> the constructor of Page
>>>     * [WICKET-5400] - Behaviors#internalAdd(Behavior) erroneously gets
>>> id for stateless behaviors
>>>     * [WICKET-5402] - NullPointerException when logging out with
>>> wicket-atmosphere
>>>     * [WICKET-5404] - JQuery 1.10.1 does not work well with IE11,
>>> upgrade to 1.10.2
>>>     * [WICKET-5409] - wicket-native-websocket does not work with
>>> Safari/Safari iOS
>>>     * [WICKET-5413] - Positioning AutoCompleteTextField not correct on
>>> resized window
>>>     * [WICKET-5416] - BOM in UTF markup file breaks encoding detection
>>>     * [WICKET-5418] - PropertyValidator ignoring groups with the
>>> @NotNull annotation only
>>>     * [WICKET-5422] - ComponentRenderer.renderComponent() adds a page
>>> to DataStore
>>>     * [WICKET-5424] - Page.isPageStateless() returning true in regular
>>> run but false in WicketTester
>>>     * [WICKET-5425] - WicketTester doesn't preserve the request
>>> cookies when #executeListener() is used
>>>     * [WICKET-5426] - Page not recognized as stateless although
>>> stateful component is hidden in #onConfigure()
>>>     * [WICKET-5429] - ResourceReference's properties are not preserved
>>> when using reference replacement
>>>     * [WICKET-5437] - When a ConversionException is thrown, its
>>> message is not used in the ValidationError
>>>     * [WICKET-5441] - IResourceCachingStrategy implementations should
>>> only set caching if version matches
>>>     * [WICKET-5442] - TimeOfDay.valueOf(Calendar, Time) and
>>> TimeOfDay.valueOf(Time) incorrectly use 12-hour clock
>>>     * [WICKET-5444] - Make
>>> org.apache.wicket.pageStore.memory.PageTable public so custom impls of
>>> IDataStoreEvictionStrategy can be made
>>>     * [WICKET-5447] - TableTree's NodeBorder does not properly close divs
>>>     * [WICKET-5450] - Double escaping when using EnumChoiceRenderer
>>> and DropDownChoice
>>> ** Improvement
>>>     * [WICKET-4268] - Quality of ThumbnailImageResource
>>>     * [WICKET-4762] - IResourceVersion should be based on final result
>>>     * [WICKET-4905] - PagingNavigation: possible to call
>>> setStartIndex() earlier than onBeforeRender?
>>>     * [WICKET-4909] - ModalWindow overwrites window.onbeforeunload
>>>     * [WICKET-5364] - Reduce logging for wicket-atmosphere
>>>     * [WICKET-5367] - migrate Wicket-Atmosphere to Atmosphere 2
>>>     * [WICKET-5401] - provide no-argument constructor in string based
>>> header items
>>>     * [WICKET-5411] - Improve AutoLabels by updating their CSS classes
>>> automatically during Ajax requests
>>>     * [WICKET-5415] - Do not initialize pages which were not rendered
>>>     * [WICKET-5420] - Make UploadProgressBar easier to extend
>>>     * [WICKET-5423] - Create IResource based implementation of Native
>>> Web Sockets
>>>     * [WICKET-5435] - Ajaxified version of WebSession#getClientInfo
>>> should be added
>>>     * [WICKET-5436] - Implement BigIntegerConverter
>>>     * [WICKET-5443] - Increase randomness and reduce predictability of
>>> CaptchaImageResource rendered images
>>>     * [WICKET-5445] - Make CaptchaImageResource easier to extend and
>> reuse
>>>     * [WICKET-5455] - Allow access to the JS ResourceReference of
>>> AbstractAutoCompleteBehavior
>>>     * [WICKET-5456] - Make RawMarkup extendable
>>> ** Task
>>>     * [WICKET-5431] - Download pages must use ASF mirror system for
>>> current releases
>>> ** Wish
>>>     * [WICKET-1197] - add/remove all buttons in Palette component
>>>     * [WICKET-4951] - Wicket-cdi and OpenWebBeans 1.1.x incompatibility
>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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