Thanks Ernesto,  I was hoping for something simpler since what I have now
with a simple Jquery timer does everything I need except go the the
SessionTimeoutPage, where I would, as you suggest, invalidate the session.
I'm sure your solution would work, but I'm not familiar enough with
AbstractAjaxBehavior to implement it easily and the examples I've seen look


-----Original Message-----
From: Ernesto Reinaldo Barreiro [] 
Sent: Friday, March 14, 2014 3:26 PM
Subject: Re: Link to Wicket page from Javascript


I would implement this as..

1- A JS function that counts how much time has passed since last AJAX
request. Once a certain threshold is passed an AJAX request is sent to the
2- An AbstractAjaxBehavior that is added to the page. I would use it as
context for AJAX request on 1).
3- On the respond of AJAXBehavior you redirect to  SessionTimeoutPage and
invalidate the session.

On Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 8:07 PM, Bruce Lombardi <> wrote:

> Hi,
> An earlier question I asked about session timeouts was answered by 
> Martin Grigorov. I am implementing his suggestion and have a JQuery 
> script  what sets a timer that times out after a certain period of 
> inactivity. The timeout triggers a function call.  Currently,  for a 
> quick test,  I have that function use location.href to go to an 
> arbitrary static web page like
> this:
> function whenUserIdle(){
>                 location.href = '';
> }
> That works fine, but now I need to make it go to a Wicket page in my 
> application, similar to what would happen if I had an anchor tag like:
> <a wicket:id=" SessionTimeoutPage" href="#">SessionTimeoutPage</a>
> But I can't figure out how to do this in the javascript function. Can 
> anyone tell me how to call the Wicket page from the javascript 
> function?
> Thanks,
> Bruce

Regards - Ernesto Reinaldo Barreiro

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