You can throw any exception that extends RuntimeException

François Meillet
Formation Wicket - Développement Wicket

Le 29 avr. 2014 à 14:35, Alberto Brosich <> a écrit :

> Hi,
> I have a wicket application where I create page components (mainly
> labels and ListViews) using onInitialize() method of some panels I have
> in every page.
> In some cases, during the creation of the components, some exceptions
> can occur (for example if the content is downloaded from a webservice
> that returns error 404), and I would propagate it, but onInitialize() of
> Panel does not throw exceptions.
> So my questions are: which are the best practices to deal that cases?
> Is onInitialize() the best place where create components? 
> Regards
> Alberto
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