Hello everyone,

currently we are using the 
 and a Label to which the context menu is going to be assigned to. 
(contextMenu.assignTo(contextLabel)) For both components ids are going to be 
generated within the wicket context.

In the wicketstuff portal bridge there is a MarkupIdPrepender initialized (a 
IComponentInitializationListener) which prepends the namespace of the portlet 
before each generated markup id in the onInitialize(Component component) 
method, so that they are unique even if there are two instances of the same 
portlet rendered at the same page. This is causing the generated 
Javascript-Code of the ButtonListContextMenu not to find the div by id of the 
menu any more. (Because the namespace is prepended after the ids and the 
javascript code are generated)

Is there a way to influence the way how wicket is going to generate the markup 
ids internally, so that I am able to comment out the MarkupIdPrepender and keep 
awareness of the namespace by my own? For example: menuItem32 is going to be 
generated as ns_Z7_0G8AH001I8CJD0AKTUU2F21004__menuItem32 - The namespace would 
be prepended by my own.

Thanks in advance,

Tobias Soloschenko

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