Here is a form:

here is the relevant html snippet:

    <form class="inputForm" wicket:id="registrationform">
        <legend>Inserisci i tuoi dati</legend>
          <div id="feedbackPanel">
            <span wicket:id="feedback"/>
        <div class="campoform">
          <label wicket:for="nome">
            <span class="inputformlabelspan">Nome *</span>
            <span class="inputWrapper">
              <input type="text" class="text_reg" placeholder="nome"

and java code:

    registrationform.add(new TextField("nome").setRequired(true));
    registrationform.add(new FeedbackPanel("feedback"));

If you click the "Invia" button (italian for "Submit"), the validation
takes place (in fact my onSubmit() does not get called since many required
fields are not filled in), but the FeedbackPanel remains empty (take a
look at generated html).

Similar code works in other wicket projects I've done, so I don't know
what I'm doing different/wrong here... any clue?

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