
Yes I have a bad day...  but my answer has nothing to do with that.

1- You ask a  question. Someone ask you about the details.
2- You answer very vaguely...  If you have taken just two seconds to google
for it


you could have answered NO I DON'T USE AJAX or YES I DO USE AJAX.
3- The person that is answering your e-mail is a commiter. He spends many
hours solving real problems/improving the framework. I know for sure that
this person sacrifices his personal time to help other people and make the
framework better.
4- Given what I said in 3, it is my opinion that you have to value better
their time, and doing that, IMHO,  is best way I know to show them respect.
5- I personally has spent many hours of my free time trying to help others
and the community. This does not give me any rights whatsoever. It just
sometimes makes me angry when I see people do not value the time the others
spend helping (or trying to help) them.
6- Complaining about things is easy, e.g. lack of documentation, stepping
forward and helping fix them is VERY hard.

Having said the above, I apologize to you for my harsh words.

On Thu, Jun 12, 2014 at 11:54 AM, Lucio Crusca <lu...@sulweb.org> wrote:

> > Wow! IMHO your answer is very un-respectful even if you don't notice it.
> > Your first message to this list is from January 2013... and you still
> > don't
> > know what is an AJAX submit? Time to start reading a bit about the
> > framework you are using? Instead of expecting people to solve your
> > problems
> > ;-)
> >
> *MY* reply is un-respectful? Did you really say *THAT*?
> FYI: I've been using wicket since then and I never needed an Ajax submit
> (I still don't need it now). Why should I study something I don't need?
> And, while I'm at it, Wicket is well known for being powerful but poorly
> documented. Wicket enthusiasts reply saying that Wicket has a wonderful
> active community that can help you and provide for the lack of
> documentation, hence people is more inclined to ask the community rather
> than to study a sub-optimal documentation. Moreover I don't expect anyone
> doing anything: I just ask, if someone is so kind as to reply, so good. If
> no one replies it means I asked in the wrong place or in the wrong way.
> But if I get such harsh replies like yours, I assume either you are a
> troll or you've had a bad day, now you choose, I suspect the latter, since
> you are into wicket much more than many others on this list. However
> please take note: I'm sorry for you but I'm not guilty for your bad day.
> And, while you spend your valuable time into looking at my past messages,
> please observe that I even tried to help others at least once I remember
> of, maybe a few times, the few times I felt like I could actually help. I
> know, you've done much more than me for this community, and I hope one day
> I will have your reputation and deserve your respect, but that day, if it
> ever comes, I'll try to be kind to others too, which is not an optional
> behavior even when you are a wicket expert.
> That being said, I wish you all the best nevertheless.
> </rant>
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Regards - Ernesto Reinaldo Barreiro

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