
It took a while to dive into this but I wrote a simple solution based on
the pattern/matcher example of Tobias and this seems to work well. It only
wraps the default Localizer class in Wicket by overriding the getString

getResourceSettings().setLocalizer(new Localizer()


  public String getString(final String key, final Component component,
final IModel<?> model, final Locale locale, final String style, final
IModel<String> defaultValue) throws MissingResourceException


    String value = super.getString(key, component, model, locale, style,

    StringBuffer output = new StringBuffer();

    final Pattern PLACEHOLDER_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\$\\{(.*)\\}");

    Matcher matcher = PLACEHOLDER_PATTERN.matcher(value);

    // Search for other nested keys to replace

    while (matcher.find())


      String replacedPlaceHolder = getString(matcher.group(1), component,
model, locale, style, (String)null);

      matcher.appendReplacement(output, replacedPlaceHolder);



    return output.toString();



Any need for putting this in Wicket? Or maybe somebody has better options
how to do this. I'm all ears but I'm already happy that I could implement
this anyway without patching the Wicket source.


On Sat, Feb 21, 2015 at 6:14 PM, Tobias Soloschenko <
tobiassolosche...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> if it gained not as much interest in the community, but there are still
> some users asking for such an implementation - maybe we can put it into
> wicketstuff-minis?
> kind regards
> Tobias
> P.S.: I also answered the question in stackoverflow. :-)
> Am 21.02.15 um 17:59 schrieb Sven Meier:
>  Hi,
>> such a feature was asked a few times, e.g.:
>> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16684200/refer-to-
>> one-property-from-another
>> But apparently it never gained much interest in the community. In my
>> experience you won't find many cases where this is useful anyway.
>> Have fun
>> Sven
>> On 21.02.2015 16:51, Tobias Soloschenko wrote:
>>> Rob,
>>> we will see what others say and if there is a standard way for this in
>>> wicket. I'm currently testing the implementation - it also replaces keys
>>> found in hierarchy, because Wickets Localizer is going to be used for each
>>> key which is going to be replaced. So the example of your first mail is
>>> also covered.
>>> kind regards
>>> Tobias
>>> Am 21.02.15 um 16:37 schrieb Rob Sonke:
>>>> Tobias,
>>>> Somehow I'm missing your replies in gmail. But thanks for the
>>>> suggestions.
>>>> Using custom models would be a last resort for me. Because I will have
>>>> to
>>>> replace all occurences. I'm somehow hoping to hook into the localizer.
>>>> On Sat, Feb 21, 2015 at 2:01 PM, Rob Sonke <r...@tigrou.nl> wrote:
>>>>  Hi all,
>>>>> I'm trying to achieve a fairly simple thing within .properties files to
>>>>> avoid a lot of duplicate words through different files.
>>>>> For example there's is a HomePage.properties with:
>>>>> lbl.foo=This is an example text, we love ${lbl.item}
>>>>> And then in MyWebApplication.properties:
>>>>> lbl.item=Wicket
>>>>> But as far as I can see, Wicket tries to resolve the parameters with
>>>>> objects passed to eg StringResourceModel. How can I hook into this and
>>>>> solve this in a nice way?
>>>>> Kind regards,
>>>>> Rob
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