Thanks very much, I'll give it a try.

sent from my mobile device
On 19 Jun 2015 4:34 am, "Sven Meier" <> wrote:

> Hi,
> it's a little bit finicky, but it can be done:
>         DataTable dataTable = new DefaultDataTable<Contact,
> String>("table", columns, new SortableContactDataProvider(), 8) {
>             protected Item<IColumn<Contact, String>> newCellItem(final
> String id, final int index, final IModel<IColumn<Contact, String>> model)
>             {
>                     return new Item<IColumn<Contact, String>>(id, index,
> model) {
>                         @Override
>                         protected void onComponentTag(ComponentTag tag) {
>                             super.onComponentTag(tag);
>                             // parent is the repeater for the cells, its
> parent is the row
>                             Contact contact = (Contact)
> getParent().getParent().getDefaultModelObject();
>                             if (contact.isSpecĂ­al()) {
>                                 tag.setName("th");
>                             }
>                         }
>                     };
>                 }
>         };
> In a future version we might want to change #newCellItem() to get a
> reference to the row's model - that would remove the need to lookup the row
> object from the  grandparent.
> Have fun
> Sven
> On 18.06.2015 14:15, Steve Swinsburg wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have a datatable and need to make it more accessible for screenreaders.
>> I am using an AbstractColumn and setting the getHeader and populateItem
>> methods with the contents.
>> In a particular row I want to change the markup of the cells from TD to
>> TH,
>> as they are header type content. Is this possible in Wicket, to change the
>> HTML tag? This is generated markup within the DataTable component so I'm
>> wondering if we can influence the HTML tag that is output.
>> The second issue is that when using getHeader to set the header cell
>> contents, it outputs this into a span within the TH, not directly within
>> the TH itself. I need to add the 'scope="col"' ARIA attribute to the TH
>> but
>> cannot access it (even via getParent()). Again, generated markup.
>> Thanks for any assistance.
>> regards,
>> Steve
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