Hello Wicket Team:

I would like to use the Wicket jQuery UI "Spinner" widget, as shown here: 
http://www.7thweb.net/wicket-jquery-ui/spinner/DefaultSpinnerPage?0, for a time 
field, like this example: 
https://jqueryui.com/resources/demos/spinner/time.html. This example adds some 
additional jQuery Widget Factory code to override the default functionality to 
format a date into a time field, e.g. '11:47 AM', and likewise, to parse new 
input back into a date.

Is this possible to do via Wicket? Adding the additional jQuery Widget Factory 
code in the example above did not seem to do the trick.

I was thinking of using Ajax to update the component on the "onspin" event, 
which gets fired when one of the spinner arrow buttons are pressed; however, I 
have no indication as to whether the value should be incremented or 
decremented. Capturing the event on the "onspinstop" event is sort of too late, 
because at this point, the widget already gets populated with the integer value 
as determined by the arrow buttons.

The jQuery UI documentation here 
 states that the input can be obtained on the "onspin" event using the 
"ui.value" property, and this can be used to determine whether the value in the 
field is to be incremented/decremented. Is this property exposed on the Java 
layer via Wicket?

I am using Wicket version 6.15.

Thank you in advance,

- Ephraim

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