
The problem is that your web service and WicketFilter are configured to
listen on different filter paths, e.g. /webservice/* and /wicket/*.
If there was a request to /wicket/* that had bound a Session then the call
to /webservice/* will be OK, but otherwise it will fail because while
trying to create a Session Wicket needs RequestCycle.
The solution is simple - move #getSessionFactory() to YourWicketApplication.

Martin Grigorov
Wicket Training and Consulting

On Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 4:32 PM, MM_at_ANO <marina_mach...@ano.pt> wrote:

> Good Morning.
> I'm currently working in a Wicket 6.19.0 and Hibernate 4.3.6 project with
> Shiro authentication.
> The code is very high level and I'm having troubles finding a solution for
> my problem.
> But first of all, let me explain the problem.
> In the application there is a REST API service to obtain the information
> about a certain User.
> In this application there is a "WicketSession" class extending the
> org.apache.wicket.Session.
> This class is used to inject the SessionFactory, and thus allowing the
> manipulation of DAO Implementations for the database, as so:
> The Class:
> ...
> WicketSession extends WebSession implements ISessionLogInfo {
>     @SpringBean(name = "sessionFactory")
>     private SessionFactory sessionFactory;
>     public static WicketSession get() {
>         return (WicketSession) Session.get();
>     }
> ...
> The Web Application Context
>     <bean id="sessionFactory"
> class="org.springframework.orm.hibernate4.LocalSessionFactoryBean">
> ...
>         <property name="hibernateProperties">
>             <props>
>                 <prop key="hibernate.show_sql">${hibernate.show_sql}</prop>
>                 <prop key="use_sql_comments">${use_sql_comments}</prop>
>                 <prop
> key="hibernate.format_sql">${hibernate.format_sql}</prop>
>                 <prop key="hibernate.cache.use_query_cache">
> ${hibernate.cache.use_query_cache} </prop>
>                 <prop
> key="hibernate.cache.provider_class">${hibernate.cache.provider_class}</prop>
>                 <prop key="hibernate.cache.region.factory_class">
> ${hibernate.cache.region.factory_class}</prop>
>                 <prop key="hibernate.cache.use_second_level_cache">
> ${hibernate.cache.use_second_level_cache}</prop>
>                 <prop
> key="hibernate.query.factory_class">${hibernate.query.factory_class}</prop>
>                 <prop key="hibernate.dialect">${hibernate.dialect}</prop>
>                 <prop
> key="hibernate.auto_close_session">${hibernate.auto_close_session}</prop>
>                 <prop
> key="hibernate.jdbc.batch_size">${hibernate.jdbc.batch_size}</prop>
>                 <prop
> key="hibernate.max_fetch_depth">${hibernate.max_fetch_depth}</prop>
>             </props>
>         </property>
>     </bean>
> The Web Service:
> ...
> UserDaoImpl dao = new UserDaoImpl(WicketSession.get().getSessionFactory());
> ...
> When I call the web service I get a 500 error.
> This error is due to a null pointer exception in WicketSession.get(), more
> precisely in RequestCycle.get() (executed inside Session.get()).
> If the web service is accessed one more time (in browser only) everything
> works fine and the web service returns a JSON (as it is supposed to).
> Yet if there is another access I get once again the 500 error.
> And so on...
> I have search many different solutions but nothing worked.
> Do you have any idea of what's going on? Any help would be appreciated.
> Sorry for my poor English.
> Best Regards, Marina.
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://apache-wicket.1842946.n4.nabble.com/Issue-with-REST-Sessions-in-Wicket-Shiro-Hibernate-tp4673417.html
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