Hi Sven and thanks for your answer!

Ok I see! That's a better solution. I guess it means that I don't have to

Because we'll never get to the DefaultExceptionMapper (in the case of an
expected unexpected exception).


2016-03-09 10:56 GMT+01:00 Sven Meier <s...@meiers.net>:

> Hi Lars,
> > if this is a good or bad way to handle exceptions during ajax requests
> I'd keep your IRequestCycleListener and just return new
> ErrorCodeRequestHandler(500, message) from there.
> No need to fiddle with IExceptionMapper and/or DefaultExceptionMapper.
> Have fun
> Sven
> On 09.03.2016 09:33, Lars Törner wrote:
>> About exception handling
>> I would like a fallback for unexcpected exceptions that are thrown during
>> ajax-calls.
>> I don't want to redirect to a new page so in my application#init I do:
>> getExceptionSettings().setAjaxErrorHandlingStrategy(AjaxErrorStrategy.INVOKE_FAILURE_HANDLER);
>> For the moment I have a request cycle listener for exceptions (added also
>> in application#init). Which implements #onException but for now does
>> nothing if an ajax-request is running:
>> !((WebRequest) requestCycle.getRequest()).isAjax()) -> return null
>> AjaxErrorStrategy.INVOKE_FAILURE_HANDLER leads to
>> org.apache.wicket.DefaultExceptionMapper.internalMap(Exception) returns
>> ErrorCodeRequestHandler(500)
>> What I would like is to register a global failure handler that via java
>> script shows a nice toaster with a user friendly message:
>> Wicket.Event.subscribe('/ajax/call/failure',
>> function (jqEvent, attributes, jqXHR, errorThrown, textStatus)
>> {
>>    //TODO Show a fancy toaster with a nice localized user error message
>> });
>> ErrorCodeRequestHandler above has also a constructor that takes a message:
>> ErrorCodeRequestHandler(final int errorCode, final String message)
>> I guess this can be used to get the nice message to the browser?
>> So when I write this an do some more thinking my conclusion is that I must
>> implement my own IExceptionMapper (extending DefaultExceptionMapper?).
>> I will then create my new ExceptionMapper in MyApplication#init and
>> override Application#getExceptionMapperProvider() to return it. In my
>> exception mapper I can check all types of unexpected exeptions my
>> application might throw and get the corresponding user message to supply
>> it
>> to ErrorCodeRequestHandler(final int errorCode, final String message) and
>> then let failure handler show it in the toaster.
>> Ok, so now I guess it would be easier to just test this, but the mail is
>> written so I hope I don´t waste to much of your time by asking if this is
>> a
>> good or bad way to handle exceptions during ajax requests.
>> Cheers
>> Lasse
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