
we're been using wicket for some time now and we have a very established
application used by many clients. It is however feeling some what dated,
due to the fact the we have to constantly reload pages to access different
functionality/areas if the app. We use ajax fairly heavily within each
functional area.

The problem is we are starting to 'feel' old school and we're loosing out
to the competition that are based on the lasted SPA type JS frameworks
talking to APIs. They just feel more slick and more responsive.

Doing some research it seems thats it not possible to transform our current
wicket app into this form, mainly due to the issues around wicket ajax
state storage and history URL support in older browsers.

Is this something the Wicket is never going to to attempt to support? I
cannot find anything around this subject.

Having a huge investment in our Wicket based application, its going to be
very very painful to move away from which we must do if we cannot keep up
with the competition due to framework limitations.

many thanks

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