I'm migrating to wicket 6.23, createPage()  is working as expected in many
modules, but not in the below scenario.

There is a search modal window in the application, which is used to search
data and keep the entire Page in session to retrieve the data back from the
session (for the Back button functionality).


The search window is just working for 10 to 15 minutes as expected and then
loading Login Page suddenly.

In debug: (I verified the below in the eclipse debugging mode)

  1. Returning page from session
  2. Page from session is *NOT *null.
  3. Session ID is *NOT *modified anywhere in the application.
  4. It is just happening only in the search window until I'm clearing the
Search Page object (SrcPage) . But application is not asking me to re-login
once it happened.

*Code snippet:*

              public Page createPage() {
return AppSession.getObjAppShell().getSrcPage();

*Reproducing Issue:*

I can reproduce the issue by replacing the session in the createPage()
block, but I'm not sure whether the problem is session or something else.


 public Page createPage() {
Session.get().replaceSession();// used to reproduce the issue.

*Any help?*

Thank you.

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