
On Mon, Mar 6, 2017 at 3:57 AM, Gonzalo Aguilar Delgado <
gagui...@aguilardelgado.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm using the fantastic Decebals dashboard, adding a widget json
> registry and some other improvements. The idea is to provide data
> streaming functionality like the one provided by graphana, kibana and
> friends.
> So the server will contain the datasources. And the dashboard will apply
> to one or more datasources on the server.
> But I don't know what's the best way to go with wicket.
> My first idea is to provide a websocket connection with a DataManager
> for each user dashboard (only 1 at a time active), subscribe to
> datasources, and receive the streaming over the websockets. The
> DataManager then will keep track of what topic each chart wants to
> receive and multiplex the result to each chart via Javascript.
> This way there's only 1 connection to the server. But data can be shared
> among widgets. I suppose it's not easy task.
> The other way is do ajax with each chart. But I think this would make a
> lot of calls to the server and I suppose it's not scalable.
> Soooo. What's the best way to go?!

I'd use WebSockets for this!

> Any good chart integration on wicket apart of highcharts? D3js or
> similar...

The demo app for
http://wicketinaction.com/2012/07/wicket-6-native-websockets/ uses Google
Charts library without any Wicket component integration.

> Preview of the current work is this link:
>     https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C6M_hG6WYAEeysz.jpg

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