
This looks like "self execution function" [1]
But to say for sure we will need to see the full JavaScript code

1. http://markdalgleish.com/2011/03/self-executing-anonymous-functions/

Martin Grigorov
Wicket Training and Consulting

On Thu, Jun 8, 2017 at 7:59 PM, durairaj t <durairaj....@gmail.com> wrote:

> Is the closing parenthesis"()" at the end of the following line of code
> correct?
> *AbstractGrid#*getInitializationJavascript()
> {
> .......
> sb.append("})*()*;\n");
> ........
> }
> I have a link in the data grid to call a modal window,it is not working
> with this closing parenthesis, it is good if I removed it. But the Grid
> header resize function is not working.
> Chrome complaining as a script error in the Ajaxcall with the symbol "()",
> Any help?
> *Method from AbstractGrid.java*
> private String getInitializationJavascript()
> {
> AppendingStringBuffer sb = new AppendingStringBuffer(128);
> sb.append("(function() {\n");
> // initialize the columns
> sb.append("var columns = [\n");
> Collection<IGridColumn<M, I, S>> columns = getActiveColumns();
> int i = 0;
> for (IGridColumn<M, I, S> column : columns)
> {
> ++i;
> sb.append("  {");
> sb.append(" minSize: " + column.getMinSize());
> sb.append(", maxSize: " + column.getMaxSize());
> sb.append(", id: \"" + column.getId() + "\"");
> sb.append(", resizable: " + column.isResizable());
> sb.append(", reorderable: " + column.isReorderable());
> sb.append("  }");
> if (i != columns.size())
> {
> sb.append(",");
> }
> sb.append("\n");
> }
> sb.append("];\n");
> // method that calls the proper listener when column state is changed
> sb.append("var submitStateCallback = ");
> sb.append(submitColumnStateBehavior.getCallbackScript());
> sb.append("\n");
> // initialization
> sb.append("InMethod.XTableManager.instance.register(\"" + getMarkupId() +
> "\", columns, submitStateCallback);\n");
> *sb.append("})();\n");// issue is here with the "()"*
> System.out.println("sb.toString():"+sb.toString());
> return sb.toString();
> }
> Thanks.

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