I have replaced the following wicket5 getEventHandler() code to wicket7 as
it is in the below code snippet, it worked but the cursor focusing the same
filed again after the form submission by blur event. This event behavior
used in the wicket stuff data grid cell,

*Expected *functionality:  Cursor should focus next cell in “blur” (TAB key

*Actual *functionality: pointing the same field until press the TAB once
again or use the mouse once again.

*Browser*: IE 11, application running in the compatibility mode and failing
in it, but it is working if I remove the compatibility in IE.

What is wrong in the below wic7 code, do I need to handle the focus
manually or add something else to bring the focus to the next cell? I have
no idea?

*Any help?*

*Code snippet:*

*Wicket 5: ->  var wcall=wicketSubmitFormById*

protected CharSequence getEventHandler()
if(getEvent().equalsIgnoreCase("onBlur")) {
String script = "setFieldSearchOn('" +
"', this );" ;
AppendingStringBuffer handler = new AppendingStringBuffer();
if (!Strings.isEmpty(script))
handler.append("; return false;");
return handler;
}else {
return super.getEventHandler();

*Wicket7:-> Wicket.Aajax.ajax*

protected void updateAjaxAttributes(AjaxRequestAttributes
ajaxRequestAttributes) {
AjaxCallListener ajaxCallListener = new AjaxCallListener();
if(getEvent().equalsIgnoreCase("blur")) {
ajaxCallListener.onPrecondition("if(setFieldSearchOn('" +
"', this ) == false)return false;");
//appending "return false" is not working as expected.


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