You might also find useful having a look at request cycle listener (class AbstractRequestCycleListener) which can be adopted to redirect the requests to https.

On 22/02/2018 23:35, Martin Grigorov wrote:

Does it have to be "with Wicket" ?
You can use custom Servlet Filter that is executed before WicketFilter.

Martin Grigorov
Wicket Training and Consulting
Looking for a remote position with Wicket ? Contact me!

On Thu, Feb 22, 2018 at 5:55 PM, Boris Goldowsky <>

I’m not sure if there is a wicket-y way to do this.

In the environment where I’m deploying my wicket app (google cloud +
kubernetes + docker + tomcat), a request that came in to the load balancer
under insecure http is forwarded to wicket, and identified by the request
containing an “x-forwarded-proto” header with the value “http”.  I need to
redirect such requests to the https version of the site.

Is there a way in wicket to look at a request header and send a redirect
before any of the usual URL processing happens?


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