FYI: I did not write the original code; I'm just updating it.

We have an application on 1.4.17 that we are /finally/ updating to 7 (like
I've been saying is necessary for the last 3 years, but now a client wants
us to do it and suddenly it's urgent...) and have things mostly sorted out.
One of the few remaining issues is some iframe functionality that we have.
As a part of our base page (which all pages extend) we have a link in the
bottom right that, when clicked, slides open an iframe with content in it
specific to the current page. It looks like this in the 1.4.17 version:

WebMarkupContainer help_src = new WebMarkupContainer("help_src");
help_src.add(new SimpleAttributeModifier("src", getHelpLinkPath()));

<div id="slider">
        <div id="tab">Help</div>
        <iframe wicket:id="help_src" style="width: 100%; height: 100%; border:

When viewing the source of the page and looking at the generated URL in the
src of the iframe, it looks like this:


When clicked, it shows the content of the pointed-to page.

Now, after fixing the build errors for the 7.10.0 upgrade, the Java and HTML
look the same, save for the update for the way AttributeModifier works (not
important here). Now however, the URL looks like this:


When clicked, the frame is empty and the source pointed to is just a
[browser?] generated error page.

Notice the addition of the "/wicket/" bit in the URL. We haven't done any
page mounting in the entry point ( class). Where is
this coming from? If I simply add a "wicket" folder to the root of our .war
and move the "Help" directory there, it works. But isn't the "wicket" folder
a temporary thing generated upon running? Or is it not, and there's just
something in our code related to the 7.10.0 update indirectly causing that
to get added to the URL?

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