Hello everyone,

I'm extremely new to the wicket Framework. Trying to learn since last week

I'm searching for some help.

I have made a page that I want to become a side bar. This page has an ejb
injection in it:

private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
        @EJB(name="ejb/marques") private MarqueLocal marqueDAO;
        @EJB(name="ejb/types") private TypeLocal typeDAO;

//      private ServiceLocal svc= new Service();
        final Marque marqueModel = new Marque();
        final Type typeModel = new Type();

        Form<?> form = new Form("formFiltre");

        private List<Marque> marques = new ArrayList<Marque>();
        private List<Type> types= new ArrayList<Type>();

        public Sidebarleft(final PageParameters parameters) {

                marques = marqueDAO.getAll();
                final DropDownChoice<Marque> marque = new 
new PropertyModel<Marque>(marqueModel.getLibMarque(), "marques"), marques);

                types = typeDAO.getAll();
                final DropDownChoice<Type> type= new 
DropDownChoice<Type>("type", new
PropertyModel<Type>(typeModel.getLibType(), "types"), types);


This works. But, if I want to call this page in another. I only find this
solution, wich doesnt work since my constructor has no string parameter :
                add(sidebarleft = new Sidebarleft("sidebarleft"));

Does anyone have any idea ?

In advance, I thank you very much for your help.

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