Hello Wicket users

I am trying to figure out how to create a subclass of ListView, which adds
a couple of <div> elements around the contents of the ListItem. The caveat
is that the <div> elements should not be defined in the html Markup.

For example:

    <li wicket:id="listRow">
        <a wicket:id="contentLink" href="#" ></a>


new MyListView("ListRow", someModel) {
    protected void populateItem(ListItem item) {
         item.add(new AjaxLink("contentLink"){
              //do stuff


should yield:
        <a href="#" ></a>
        <a href="#" ></a>
        <a href="#" ></a>


If the div's can somehow become components on the java-side, that would be
awesome, but it is not entirely required.

Thanks for your help (in advance)


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