On 17/08/2018 10:38, Илья Нарыжный wrote:
Hello users of great framework Wicket!

Originally HTML files in Wicket were a good way to outsource creation of
design to designers and then use it by devs. So designers can work more or
less in parallel with developers.

But technology is going ahead and now more or less advanced projects in
wicket CANNOT make design work in parallel with development. More over:
content now is not only text - it's images, styling and etc. And business
very often want to have quick and easy access to the content modification.

That's why there is need to have more deeper convergence between wicket and
other systems/framework. I see 2 proposals, but might be community know
more. Please share what do you think and what's your experience.

1) It will be cool to allow use of external sources of HTML. For example:
you have a WordPress in backend, business, designers can do whatever they
want with content. But Wicket transparently takes requested content,
extends it by required components and provides to a users.
In such a case you can create a custom IResourceStreamLocator to load resources from external resources like a CMS. See user guide for more detail: /https://ci.apache.org/projects/wicket/guide/8.x/single.html#_customizing_resource_loading/
2) JS library which allow to embed content generated by wicket to any page.
Yes - it's possible to use IFRAME in same cases, but JS lib will be much
more efficient. Might be something from Wicket AJAX can be reused to allow
update of external pages asynchronously.
For this a good starting point could be a custom IResource that renders Wicket pages/components with ComponentRenderer and returns them in the response.

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