use MyEnum.valueOf("your string ») before saving the data


> Le 4 févr. 2019 à 13:51, Zbynek Vavros <> a écrit :
> I got this class that has map with enums as keys:
> public class MasterClass {
>    private Map<MyEnum, String> config = Maps.newHashMap();
> }
> enum is classic:
> public enum MyEnum {
>    VALUE1,
>    VALUE2
> }
> now I would like to use one entry of this map as a model for TextField:
> new RequiredTextField<>("componentId", new
> PropertyModel<>(modelObject.getConfig(), "VALUE1")))
> but when saved to DB Hibernate says the key is String and Enum is expected:
> java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to
> java.lang.Enum
> Using ChainingModel or
> Model.of(modelObject.getConfig().get(MyEnum.VALUE1))) causes the value not
> to be bind at all.
> I know I can use "side" property and fill this map manually in onSubmit
> just before saving to DB but would like to avoid that.
> Thanks

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