
Sounds like a bug in Wicket.
If you can reproduce it in a quickstart (mini) application then please
attach it to a ticket in JIRA!

On Mon, Feb 18, 2019 at 2:45 PM HOPPAN Matúš <matus.hop...@posam.sk> wrote:

> Hi,
> recently we have upgraded our application, from wicket 7.11 to wicket
> 8.3.0.
> With wicket 7 everything seemed to be fine, however in wicket 8 we have an
> issue
> with handling exception.
> In Application we have in init() method:
> <code>
>                 getRequestCycleListeners().add(new
> MyRequestCycleListener());
> </code>
> MyRequestCycleListener implements IRequestCycleListener and override method
>  <code>
>                 @Override
>     public IRequestHandler onException(RequestCycle cycle, Exception ex) {}
>   Optional<AjaxRequestTarget> target = cycle.find(AjaxRequestTarget.class);
>   //this part stopped working since it return Optional.empty(), because
> active RequestHandler
>   //and RequestHandlerScheduledAfterCurrent are both null
>         if (target.isPresent()) {
>             return target.get();
>         }
>         IPageRequestHandler last =
> PageRequestHandlerTracker.getLastHandler(RequestCycle.get());
>         WebPage page = (WebPage) (last.getPage());
>                                return new RenderPageRequestHandler(new
> PageProvider(currentPage));
>                                }
> </code>
> Is this a wicket bug or it was intention to work like this? If it was
> intentended, is there
> any workaround to get the AjaxRequestTarget? Or the approach has changed
> in wicket 8? Any other ideas?
> Matus
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