Guten Tag Thorsten Schöning,
am Mittwoch, 1. April 2020 um 11:46 schrieben Sie:

>> 11:34:01.536 [Test worker] INFO  org.apache.wicket.Application - 
>> [WicketTesterApplication-7fefbf5f-492f-4c7d-b276-522938b3242c] init: 
>> org.wicketstuff.event.annotation.Initializer@3456cd50
>> 11:34:01.546 [Test worker] INFO  org.apache.wicket.Application - 
>> [WicketTesterApplication-7fefbf5f-492f-4c7d-b276-522938b3242c] init: Wicket 
>> core library initializer
>> 11:34:01.569 [Test worker] DEBUG o.a.w.p.h.servlet.ServletWebRequest - 
>> Calculating context relative path from: context path '/context', 
>> filterPrefix 'servlet/', uri '/context/servlet/'

> Any idea why that output is triggered?

Things were easier than expected: Logback was simply available on the
classpath for some reason, loaded, didn't find a configuration and
therefore configured itself to its defaults: Using the console.

Making a logback-test.xml available in "src/test/resources" with
higher log levels easily resolved those debugging messages and the
generated reports of Gradle or small again. Though already available,
it might make sense to require logback to be available during running
tests always:

> testRuntimeOnly 'ch.qos.logback:logback-classic:1.1.3',
>                 'ch.qos.logback:logback-core:1.1.3',
>                 'org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-engine:5.1.0'

I tried a different approach before: Expactation was that in case
tests fail, at least the last X log statements might be of use to
debug the problem, but really only then. While Gradle doesn't provide
anything like that on its own, there are examples to do so on SO and
other places:

The basic approach is using some listener to log into some cache in
the background and only print those contents when the tests have
failed. Logging in the background needs to be implemented, but
additonally its important to tell Gradle that really only some
statements should be logged at all:

> tasks.withType(Test) {
>     testLogging {
>         events 'failed' // TestLogEvent.FAILED
>     }
> }

While that should work in theory, I ran into two problems: Whatever I
did I wasn't able to reduce what Gradle logs on STDOUT. It's important
to note that the implemented logging cache int he background DOES NOT
prevent logging, it's only for additional maintenance. The events-part
is what prevents logging of some sort in theory. That is even for
multiple different log level, but things didn't change even for
setting all of those to "failed" for some reason.

Even if things have succeeded, I might only not have recognized,
becuase at some point I disabled Gradle's logging again, so wouldn't
see a difference anway. Nevetheless, the generated test-reports were
always still huge and always contained the whole output of STDOUT.
Might be that Gradle simply works that way and doesn't support
anything else at all:

So things simply didn't work in the end and falling back to
logback-test.xml was the best I coud do. In case anyone is interested,
I added my PoC.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Thorsten Schöning

Thorsten Schöning       E-Mail:
AM-SoFT IT-Systeme

Telefon...........05151-  9468- 55
Fax...............05151-  9468- 88
Mobil..............0178-8 9468- 04

AM-SoFT GmbH IT-Systeme, Brandenburger Str. 7c, 31789 Hameln
AG Hannover HRB 207 694 - Geschäftsführer: Andreas Muchow

Attachment: logback-test.xml
Description: XML document

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