Hi Thomas,

thank you for sharing,

I've come up with something similar, but will definitely take some inspiration from your code.


On 4/5/20 9:51 PM, Thomas Heigl wrote:
Hi Vit,

I'm using a utility class to encapsulate these use cases:

/** Utility class for interacting with {@link AjaxRequestTarget}s */
public final class AjaxTarget {
private AjaxTarget() {
// utility class
* Checks if there is an active {@link AjaxRequestTarget}
* @return {@code true} if there is a request target bound to the thread,
else {@code false}
public static boolean exists() {
return find().isPresent();
/** @return the {@link AjaxRequestTarget} bound to the thread or {@code
null} */
public static AjaxRequestTarget get() {
return find().orElse(null);
/** @return the optional {@link AjaxRequestTarget} bound to the thread */
public static Optional<AjaxRequestTarget> find() {
return RequestCycle.get().find(AjaxRequestTarget.class);
* Adds the given components to the active request target if available.
* @param component the first component to add
* @param otherComponents the other components to add
* @see AjaxRequestTarget#add(org.apache.wicket.Component...)
public static void add(Component component, Component... otherComponents) {
find().ifPresent(t -> {
if (component != null) {
* Adds all components of the given class to the active request target if
* @param childCriteria the child component class
* @param <T> the type of child component
* @see AjaxRequestTarget#addChildren(org.apache.wicket.MarkupContainer,
public static <T> void add(Class<T> childCriteria) {
find().ifPresent(t -> add(t.getPage(), childCriteria));

* Appends JavaScript to the active request target if available
* @param javaScript the script to append
* @see AjaxRequestTarget#appendJavaScript(CharSequence)
public static void appendJavaScript(CharSequence javaScript) {
find().ifPresent(t -> t.appendJavaScript(javaScript));
* Prepends JavaScript to the active request target if available
* @param javaScript the script to prepend
* @see AjaxRequestTarget#prependJavaScript(CharSequence)
public static void prependJavaScript(CharSequence javaScript) {
find().ifPresent(t -> t.prependJavaScript(javaScript));

Best regards,


On Sun, Apr 5, 2020 at 6:58 PM Vit Rozkovec <rozkovec...@email.cz> wrote:

In my project it is around 40 cases of such usage. Is it little? Is it a
lot. I don't know.
Never mind :)

Have a nice day.

On 4/5/20 11:20 AM, Sven Meier wrote:

actually it's not that common, in wicket-core and -extensions this
pattern is used 9 times only.

When the RequestCycle API emerged, we decided against a specific
method and chose a generic one with parameter instead.

Have fun

On 05.04.20 08:47, Vit Rozkovec wrote:
Hi, this seems to be a frequent use case, wouldn't there be a good
fit for some shorthand method?


/getRequestCycle().onAjax(t-> {});/
boolean getRequestCycle().isAjax();



On 4/4/20 11:51 PM, Sven Meier wrote:

you can test for the appropriate request handler:

-> /* do things on partial page update */));

Have fun

On 04.04.20 23:43, Vilius Vaivada wrote:
Hey guys,

I'm pretty sure I'm missing something obvious here, but I can't
figure out
a simple way for a component to contribute slightly different
based on whether it's being rendered for a full page load or a
partial Ajax
response. Any clues?

Thanks a lot!

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