
On Fri, Sep 11, 2020 at 4:55 AM Arunachalam Sibisakkaravarthi <
arunacha...@mcruncher.com> wrote:

> Hi guys,
> When session expires, user is redirected to a page set by
> getApplicationSettings().setPageExpiredErrorPage(SomePage.class) on his

Note: *page* expiration is not *session* expiration!
Wicket stores stateful pages in the IPageStore, usually DiskPageStore, i.e.
on the disk. Each HTTP session has upper limit of bytes that could be
stored in the file. Once the limit is reached the oldest page is discarded.
Any attempt to request such
discarded page will lead to PageExpiredErrorPage.
For http session expiration see below.

> next action.
> But I want to display a page automatically without his next action.
> So that last rendered page will not be displayed after session expiry like
> banking sites.
> How do I achieve this?
The http session expires if there is no activity by the user/browser.
If there is no activity by the user then the server side code (Wicket)
cannot do anything. You can use HttpSessionListener#sessionDestroyed() to
be notified that the session expired but you won't be able to navigate to
another url and update the browser.

Your only option is to use JavaScript timer (setTimeout()) that should fire
if there is no user activity bigger than your session timeout. The timer
could just do something like "document.location='/session/timeout'"

> *Thanks And RegardsSibi.ArunachalammCruncher*

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