ma 31. tammik. 2022 klo 15.38 Wayne W (

> Hello all,
> Is anyone out there successfully using Selenium to do regression testing?
> It seems with the latest version of Selenium you cannot add custom
> selectors anymore (the idea turning on
> getDebugSettings().setComponentPathAttributeName("wicketpath") ). So it
> just uses css selectors and xpath now.
> Whilst I can had craft css selectors to use the wicketpath attribute I
> cannot get the IDE to use this by default. The problem is I want to hand
> this over to our QA person but she is not technical nature and would
> struggle to understand the correct selector when looking at the code and
> also it would really slow down the whole process of setting up tests.
> Anyone got Selenium working well, or can recommend another tool for web
> regressing testing that works well with Wicket?

We use WicketTester tests for regression tests and selenium tests for
availability tests.

Here's a hassle free guide to set up type safe testing without using string
property paths:

I'd say the overhead of selenium doesn't pay off using it for all tests,
but your mileage might vary.


> thanks

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