We are using wicket for several projects and are piece by piece migrating to wicket 9. In all of these projects we use logback as logging adapter. Since version 9.x wicket requires version 2.0.0.alpha[x] of slfj. Logback provides releases starting with version 1.3.0-alpha compatible with slfj 2.0.0.alpha. The Problem is that the new version is built against the "new" servlet-api 5.0 only. There all the javax. namespaces are renamed to jakarta. This makes logback unasable for a lot of applications that still run in older Containers (Tomcat 9 etc.). The people at logback are aware of that problem: see issue LOGBACK-1575.

Question: is there a hard requirement to update the dependency of wicket to slfi to 2.0.0 especially as these releases are still tagged as alpha? Wouldn't it be better for wicket to stay at 1.x (eg. 1.7.35) as long as possible?

kind regards,

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