Hi Eric,

you can read in the javadoc, why your first solution is 'unpredictable':



On 20.12.23 15:18, Eric Hamel wrote:
Hi Bas,

Thanks for the response.

I discovered the NumberTextField had its own RangeValidator 2 seconds after 
posting. With that said, I’m getting the same issue when using it.

To be clear, I’m not getting any Exceptions, everything seems to work fine, but 
the form validation fails if the user types in 0.01.

Form<BaseDTO> form = new Form<>(“form”, getModel());

NumberTextField<BigDecimal> testField = new NumberTextField<BigDecimal>(“testField”, 
new PropertyModel<BigDecimal>(form.getModel(), “testProp”));

I’ve been digging and I found the oddity:

If I set the min value as follows:

testField.setMinimum(new BigDecimal(0.00));

When the user enters 0.01, the following feedback message is showed:

The value of ’testField’ must be between 0.01 and 999,999.99.

However, if I set the min value with:


The user can enter 0.01 and NO feedback message is showed.

Eric H.

On Dec 20, 2023, at 8:48 AM, Bas Gooren <b...@iswd.nl> wrote:

Hi Eric,

First off: according to the source of NumberTextField, it automatically adds a 
RangeValidator (see NumberTextField#onConfigure). So you shouldn’t need to add 
the RangeValidator yourself.

Regarding your problem: what kind of error messages are you getting?

The range validator (or more specifically: the AbstractRangeValidator class) 
handles the comparison between min, max and actual values using compareTo. So 
there should not be any issues with rounding.

Please share the code you use to initialize the relevant field, perhaps we can 
spot a mistake.

Met vriendelijke groet,
Kind regards,

Bas Gooren

Op 20 december 2023 bij 14:38:53, Eric Hamel (eric.ha...@albanyitg.com 
<mailto:eric.ha...@albanyitg.com>) schreef:

Good morning,

We encountered an issue this morning with our use of RangeValidator<BigDecimal>.

The customer requested a validation for amounts between 0.01 and 999,999.00.

We have a NumberTextField<BigDecimal> to which we added the RangeValidator. If 
the user enters 0.01 the validation fails.

If I set the min value to 0.009 I can get it to work but the error messages are 

I’m wondering if it’s a rounding or scale issue but I cannot figure out how to 
make the RangeValidator work.

Anyone have any insight on this ?

Thank you.
Eric H.

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