Hi Marc,
Marc Lijour wrote:
> On October 16, 2007 11:37:49 am Vincent Massol wrote:
>> Hi Victor,
>> On Oct 16, 2007, at 5:23 PM, Víctor A. Rodríguez wrote:
>>> * what pages/spaces contain code that is considered part of XWiki
>>> distribution ??
>> If you're talking about XE (XWiki Enterprise). The list of pages is
>> available there:
>> http://fisheye2.cenqua.com/browse/xwikithe /xwiki-products/xwiki-
>> enterprise/trunk/wiki/src/main/resources
> How does this relate to the question? I missed something here :P
The problem si that XWiki core isn't just Java, it also contains code 
inside the XWiki pages. e.g. if I install a new servlet container (with 
XWiki 1.1 inside it) and a new database where I copy the old one, this 
installation has new Java code and old wiki code. A typical example is 
the page that generates the RSS feeds (RssFeed, I think)
>>> * does anyone has success in making the code at
>>> http://old.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Test/ImportExport work on 0.9 ??
> Yes
Please, tell me how, because I discovered two problems : two missing 
javascript files in 0.9 (they' re part of 1.1) and getURL seems missing 
from the 0.9 API (I'm not completely sure). Perhaps there's more ... who 
knows ??
>>> * any other places to look at for other pieces of XWiki core that
>>> should
>>> be added to the upgrade guide ??
>> I think we need more detailed instructions for moving data from an
>> existing DB to a new DB. The exporter would be the best way to do
>> that but importing a large XAR doesn't work either when the memory is
>> not large enough so import at the DB level is required anyway for
>> some large XWiki installs.
>> I haven't tried doing this myself (I don't have a 0.9 wiki to
>> migrate) so I'm not the best placed to help here but I'm pretty sure
>> some 0.9 users are having a hard time so they should speak up!
>> Have you checked the list archives to check messages about migrating
>> to 1.1.1 from a 0.9 install?
> You will see of couple of messages of mine ;)
> With time I came close to migrate and I documented how I did it in these 
> messages. Mostly the information is available in the Wiki as well but it is a 
> long process to identify what we need and to fetch the information. For this 
> reason this list is a good start but we could also get together on xwiki.org 
> and build a page just around the issue if it makes sense.
> I don't have the migration done yet, so I am angry for any info you could 
> produce ;)
> To make the story short you have to find this information:
> - install the import/export into 0.9 (see old.xwiki.org for the code)
> - fix the database XWD_ARCHIVE mediumblob type to longblob (xwiki.org)
> - increase the attachment file size limit (also xwiki.org)
> - increase the heap size used by your servlet container (-Xms : see for 
> example http://java.sun.com/docs/hotspot/gc1.4.2/ for more)
I think that all of these are documented in the migration process from 
0.9 (sorry, it's a bit la te here, I'll take a look tomorrow in the 
BTW, if you find any error don' t hesitate in correct it, and *please* 
don't use th WYSIWYG editor because it has problems with some tags.
> What's next?
> ;)

I think that after that Export Import work it' s piece of cake. Two of 
the three main pieces are already easy to migrate (code and skins), we 
need only to extract the pages that are not part of XWiki code from one 
database and put it in the new one !!!

Enjoy !

Víctor A. Rodríguez (http://www.bit-man.com.ar)
El bit Fantasma (Bit-Man) - Algorithm junkie
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