Vincent Massol wrote:
> On Nov 5, 2007, at 3:58 PM, Vitantonio Messa wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have give to myself programming right on my xwiki (from the global
>> rights section), but still, when I write $doc.hasProgrammingRights()  
>> or
>> $context.hasProgrammingRights() I got "false" as response instead of  
>> true.
>> Does anyone know where is my mistake?
> is your wiki in a virtual setup?
> If so, I think only users created on the main wiki can have  
> programming rights.

Hi Vincent,

you're right, I'using a virtual setup. And I was trying to give 
programming right to the user not on the main wiki.

Thanks for your answer!


Vitantonio Messa
+358 46 889 48 49 - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
COSS - The Finnish Centre for Open Source Solutions
@ Technology Centre Hermia Ltd.
Hermiankatu 1, FIN-33720 Tampere, FINLAND
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